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Will I be headgeared after extraction?

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:56 pm
by emilio
To begin with I am adult (wow!) already into my 5th month of braces. I thought I had past the most painful pre-op period after having some surgery to reduce the split between the two upper teeth until.... I heard two of my upper teeth were going to be removed 6 months later :-(

I am not really very thrilled about having 2 teeth removed, in fact I get extremely nervous at the dentist and had to submit to orthodontic treatment out of medical necessity.

I do have some questions I have not yet been able to ask my O. When those two unlucky teeth get forcibly retired from active service there will be a large space empty on both sides. In my case the upper jaw where I have a (large) overbite (requiring orthognatic surgery sometime next year).

I am wearing Damon braces but it is not clear to me whether I will be required to wear an (embarrassing) headgear or what. My orthognatic surgery will be to move my LOWER jaw forward some 9mm.

Any hints? what can I expect? I do have "tubes" installed but so far I have not been required to be headgeared.

How does that work really? I guess IF I would be required then it will hopefully be at home when I sleep. The problem is I usually sleep on my side, preferred belly down but that is bad for my back and face up makes me snore and sleep bad.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:16 am
by bbsadmin
Only the orthodontist who is doing your treatment can answer that question. Usually most orthodontists don't like to do headgear on adults unless it's absolutely necessary.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:40 am
by emilio
Well I hope not but I won't know until my next appt. in June. Anyway probably not because the brackets are very low on the front teeth and the HG is not supposed to touch them, pfew!

On the other hand I guess my biggest worry is the actual big surgery (I guess HG is nothing compared to that).

Anyway, may the good smile be with us at some point in the future :-)