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The braces are on and I feel miserable!

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:50 pm
by Blossom
Top and bottom, damon 3s. No elastics yet but boy do I look weird!
I am having trouble talking and I feel SO self concious!
One good thing about getting braces on as an adult instead of when I was kid? WINE.

I am going home to have at least 2 glasses of red wine tonight!
This sucks! :(

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:27 pm
by blindboarder2008
congratz on getting your braces on, but sorry to hear you are feeling so miserable, but know you are not the only one who has felt this way when they got their braces on. In time you will get used to the braces and it won't seem as bad anymore. I know i know your probably think "ya right" but give it a bit and it should be better. Just think about how wonderful of a smile you will have afterwards once you are all complete!!!!! Best of luck with your braces journey and know that you are not alone in how you are feeling. things are bound to get better.

In terms of the speaking part, that happened to me as well. I formed a bit of a lisp and it annoyed the heck out of me. It eventually got better though. Keep us posted

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:53 pm
by Blossom
Thank you. Will do.
:) Apparently I will notice changes very quickly. I am looking forward to this.. but mostly I am looking forward to getting these things off my teeth!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:35 am
by Le
I had a lisp too.. it only lasted about 4 days though!
I totally know how you feel. I am 10 days in, and only now am I starting to feel comfortable showing ppl my braces! It gets easier

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:04 am
by magster
Congrats on getting braced! but it definitely gets easier.. the moment I got mine (both top and bottom on the same day) all I kept on saying to myself is I cant wait to get these things off!!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:39 am
by blindboarder2008
ya sometimes ppl notice change quicker then other, it all depends on your teeth and how moveable they decide to be:) best of luck and know we are all here to get through it together!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:45 pm
by Blossom
Thank you everyone. It's good to be reassured it wont always be this bad. Woke up with a very sore mouth today. Seems to be some sort of concrete on the bottom and in between my top teeth? I can't bite down because of it and it's really uncomfortable? I can see it in the mirror if I open my mouth. Any ideas on what this stuff is? Does it come off?

Day 2 here I come!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:07 pm
by brainkneeak
I've noticed that too on my teeth. Brushing remove a little at a time. Hang in there. I've been using warm saltwater rinses and lots of ice cream to soothe my mouth.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:57 pm
by bstars
Hi Blossom,
i felt the same on first couple of days, but soon i got comfortable among colleagues, by telling them myself.. and once you start feeling the movements in you teeth you look froward to more.. & it all starts to get positive after that unless its hurting some where some times :) there will be few complaints, lots of patience, but good results at the end.

Now when i talk to people, i think if earlier they have thought that i have bad teeth, now they can see i am getting them fixed, so its better than having those bad teeth for ever, and many more years to live why not with a better smile, and be proud of your decision. i just keep on talking to people about it... like i completed 2 weeks today, or i can't chew an apple anymore, or its sore today.. whatever.. just talk about it so people think that yeah we are not conscious in having those, i felt the need, its my descision.... and they really don't care :)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 2:38 am
by emilio
Blossom, congratulations on your new journey towards a comfortable smile. For so many years I smiled without showing my teeth only because they were out of place.

Like you I took the plunge with Damon braces (see my blog for more details). The first days were the most painful, also after the wire is replaced so it is better to take some pain medication and something cold when the pain is too much.

Keep in mind that the Damon system is heat activated so if you have a few hot drinks (tea, coffee, etc.) during the day then it will do its work just fine. I noticed changes within the first 4-8 weeks already. I had them on Nov. 2008, then first follow up at the end of Dec. 2008 with new wires replaced and will have my next (again wire replacements plus extractions) in June/July.

The problem with the lips is common, it is horrible the first week when even talking and smiling is painful but after that the lips get used to it. Since then I seldom have problems with the lips (sometimes I do).

In the beginning your speech may be a bit screwed up :-) Also keep in mind that carbonated drinks and alcohol are not a good idea because they may slowly affect the bonding of the brackets to the teeth. If you live close to your ortho no problems but I live very far from the clinic so to me it is not an option when a bracket falls...

Don't worry, there will be times when you will want to have them removed but do not despair! Check my blog for some good tips about the dental hygiene toolbox that has made my life easier with braces.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:34 am
by TigerLily
LOL, I told my ortho the other day I hope the braces come off soon as braces have turned me into an alcoholic. Way too much red wine.


Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:56 am
by raychno21
Hey Blossom, I've only had my braces on for 5 days and at first it was so uncomfortable and i was so miserable! but honestly it has got a lot better over the days and I can eat easier now, on friday night went out for my sisters birthday and got drunk and i forgot my braces were there for the first time since i got them, was so nice! Hang in there! xx

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 2:35 pm
by Blossom
I have to agree it seems like alcohol gets rid of the scratchy feeling inside my mouth. :)
My mouth still feels pretty uncomfortable and tight, especially in the mornings but I am taking less painkillers and eating things other than just soup. I am really over soup!!
I get big smiles from teenagers that have braces too which is nice.
Oh to be a teen again!