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First Adjustment, Any Advice Would Be Appreciated!

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:52 pm
by uvraise
Hello All,
Its been about 7 weeks since I was braced, Full metal jacket top and bottom. I have noticed a great difference in my lower teeth, my uppers, not so much. I'm going in for my first adjustment one week from today which will put me at the 8 week mark. After everything I read, I'm dreading this appointment. I just starting getting back on my normal diet and fear I will be at square one again with the pain I experienced when I first got braced.

Can someone, anyone, give me some solid advice on what to expect and how to prepare?
Thanks so much!

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:20 pm
by Megan11
Hi uvraise! Don't worry, the pain won't be unbearable. You will mot likely have to go back on a soft-food diet for a couple of days until you readjust. I will be honest and say my first adjustment discomfort was higher than when I was initially braced. That said, be prepared! Take a motrin in advance ( something I still forget to do!) and eat plentifully before your adjustment. The pain factor really all depends on what will be done. Some people get powerchains and even elastics at their first adjustment, and because of this they will obviously experience more discomfort than someone who is simply going up just one wire.

Good luck, and relax its really not a big deal :D

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:46 pm
by uvraise
Thanks for the advice Megan! I will definitely medicate b4 I go. The other problem that I forgot to mention in the original post is I think, not sure, I'll be getting a palatal expander at the same time! How I forgot this I'll never know, probably a mental block, LOL. The already took the molds to have it made when I first got braced. My Ortho is going to try the non-surgical approach. She thinks she can get enough movement without having surgery, I hope she is right. If its ok with you, I'll follow up with you after the appt!

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:35 pm
by blindboarder2008
I havent got an expander before but if you read up on here you will find some people that have. If i remember correctly from their posts, the expanders were pretty painful. So definetly make sure you medicate yourself before you go. Definetly eat a good solid meal before hand as well just in case your in to much pain afterward to eat stuff.
best of luck with your first adjustment. I can remember at my first adjustment it was painful after but it wasn't unbearable (then again they only switched one wire but at that time it still was quite painful when i got a wire switch cause I was in the early stages of treatment).

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:39 am
by rachellerachelle
You know, I just came back from my first adjustment a couple of hours ago, fully expecting a bunch of pain after reading up on here. So I took a crap load of Advil before heading over. The ortho looked at my teeth, said "great progress", told the assistant to take photos and sent me on my way! It took 5 minutes tops! So my wires won't be changed for another 7 weeks at least! Needless to say I think this is a little unusual, but goes to show, we are all different and you just never can be sure what will happen!

I wish you an easy, pain free visit like mine (but with a palate expander I am not sure that will happen!)


Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:57 am
by Zephyr
I had my first adjustment yesterday and like Megan my first adjustment was more painful than actually having the braces put on. I think this was because my teeth felt tender to begin with. my adjustment lasted about an hour, I had my top archwire changed to a thicker one and coils added to all my top teeth to create space. My bottom wire was left as it was. When I left the ortho's I felt no pain but that evening and especially today I'm noticing the pressure. I even have one tooth that's not yet connected to the wire and this one hurts the most for some reason!

Anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine - eat loads beforehand, take some painkillers and best of luck! :D

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:05 am
by hal2me
Hi uvraise,

I had my first adjustment last week. Remember to take some Aleeve or Advil before you go. My first adjustment was a bit more painful than getting braces, but it didn't last for long. I had to eat softer foods for about 2 days. Now, I am back to eating the way I was before. Adjustments are painful, but the pain doesn't seem to last as long. Just remember to take something before you go. I forgot to and it really hurt.

It's a piece of cake once you know what an ajdustment is like.

Hope this helps! :lol:

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:06 am
by kilikena311
Hello! I had my first adjustment at 8am today and I'm wishing I had taken that Advil before I went because I'm a little sore. I got a powerchain on one half of my upper arch, a wire tie on one of my lower teeth, a new lower archwire and fabulous new ligs, LOL. All in all the pain isn't terrible just mostly annoying at this point. My advice is to be prepared for anything and make sure you take that advil or whatever ahead of time. :lol:

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:07 am
by kilikena311
Hello! I had my first adjustment at 8am today and I'm wishing I had taken that Advil before I went because I'm a little sore. I got a powerchain on one half of my upper arch, a wire tie on one of my lower teeth, a new lower archwire and fabulous new ligs, LOL. All in all the pain isn't terrible just mostly annoying at this point. My advice is to be prepared for anything and make sure you take that advil or whatever ahead of time. :lol:

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:14 pm
by MrMetalMouth1029
For me, the first adjustment wasn't bad. I experienced the same soreness that I endured when I got braced, but it took less time for the soreness to go away. I guess it differs for some people. It didn't even hurt when I got my braces. That's just proof, once again, that it differs for everyone. Good luck--take an Advil just in case, and lay it easy on certain foods for a few days. Within a week, you'll be able to eat anything again!

1st adjustment

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:02 pm
by oharabrat
Had mine this past monday. When they were switching out the bands it was a little different but more so cause now the teeth are moved. Mine are moving very fast for 6 weeks. No pain afterwards either...Either I have good tolerance or the best is yet to come :)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:10 pm
by blindboarder2008
I just thought of something that my dentist actually recomended for my first adjustment. Take 800ml of advil one hour before your apt. That should definetly help with the after pain of the adjustment. fair warning though it could make you a little bit sleepy depending how you do on advil. i know for me I was a bit drowsy after but luckily I didn't have college that day so I just went home and relaxed lol

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 9:30 am
by magster
these stories are not making me happy :(

Adjustments usually fine for me!

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 1:28 pm
by delilah
She makes the changes...wires, bracket repositioning, even the powerchain I got last time. Nothing was unbearable. Tightness sure, teeth a little sore, sure, but the only time I hurt for a couple of days intensely was when I got the powerchain on the bottom. But hey, that's was Advil is for, along with soft boiled eggs, soup, etc. Keep your eye on the prize!!! You'll be fine.



Braced March 2008. Guessing another 4-6 months to go.