Had 3 teeth out!

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Had 3 teeth out!

#1 Post by mwic1985 »

Had three teeth on my right, 2 premolars top and bottom, and the top wizdom tooth extracted yesterday. Today I then had molds taken today for braces next week. I was really nervous before the extractions, but the actual procedure didn't hurt at all, thanks to my dentist dosing me up on local antithetic. A small amount of the root of the top premolar is still in my gum and may just fall out or might need to be taken out at a later date. The worst part for me was trying to stop the bleeding, which seemed to go on for ever.

So, another 3 out the other side next week, and the next day I have braces put on. Looks like I'll be living off soup for a while!

Question: I am chewing on the side opposite to where I had my teeth out, and avoiding fizzy drinks as my dentist recommended. When should I try to start chewing over that side again? 2 days ? 3 days? Obviously in 7 days I will have no choice. Worried I might dislodge the bloodclot and cause bleeding. I'm pretty sure my dentist did tell me this but I was in a bit of a daze, mouth numb and blood pouring everywhere!

Would also like to point to to anyone who was like me, and really scared of having teeth out, it's not that bad! I had a worse time being stuck inside a cinema watching "Watchmen" a few months ago, and that's saying something!

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#2 Post by Autumn »

I'm not a professional in teeth but with my 4 extractions (bicuspids) which came out all at once, and a few years ago with 4 wisedom teeth removed at once, my experience says you can chew on whatever doesn't hurt. As your gums heal they can handle more pressure without pain. If it hurts it's probably because they're still healing and probably shouldn't be messed with. Basically just be gentle, upgrade from soup to pasta and so on, and especially be careful to keep those holes clean because something left in them can hurt. Good luck!

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#3 Post by mwic1985 »

3 more out today on the other side, so going to start eating on the right side when the numbness wears off. I panicked and though my dentist had taken the WRONG teeth out!, because on the left they are much further round to the back. Turns out it was just my messed up teeth, and they are the same number of teeth along. phew!
I think I am getting the brace put on tomorrow. Got some porridge to have for breakfast , and gonna have mashed potato and cheese tonight.

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