Overjet corrected with powerchain?

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Overjet corrected with powerchain?

#1 Post by NKovaci88 »

Maybe I'm just imagining it, but I've been wearing a powerchain on my upper teeth for the past 6 months (no rubber bands), and I feel like my overjet has significantly improved. My teeth don't stick out nearly as much as they did last year.

Perhaps there is something else going on, but I was under the impression that only rubber bands can correct an overjet or an overbite. But can powerchains do so as well?

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#2 Post by Autumn »

Well I'm not sure about your particular situation, but in my case, I have an overjet that is partially caused by my teeth angling out, so it's not just my jaw position. With my 4 bicuspids pulled, the teeth uncrowded, but there's still space, and my ortho says they'll use a power chain to help pull everything together and back into place.

It's my impression that elastics help correct your jaw position, and powerchains pull your teeth together and sometimes back, so if your teeth angle is part of your overjet, then a power chain probably did help :)

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