Can my problem be corrected with regular braces?

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Teeth of Cthulhu
Posts: 73
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Can my problem be corrected with regular braces?

#1 Post by Teeth of Cthulhu »

A 17 year old guy here who is considering braces and would find some information beforehand really helpful...

My problem is this: My upper teeth slant inward drastically. So much so that they meet my lower teeth at an angle. This makes it so that when I smile every single tooth is visible - even the molars right at the back of my mouth. My palate is slightly narrow but nothing drastic.

Can this be corrected with regular braces or will I need some type of expander? Thanks in advance.

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#2 Post by Autumn »

Only a professional can tell you what would be required for your situation. Usually the first consultation, (where an ortho looks at your teeth and gives you a rough idea of what kind of work it would take, and how much it would cost), is relatively inexpensive. Some places free, mine was $20.

That being said, I've seen and experienced all sorts of angles of teeth being corrected with regular brackets. If the issue is just your tooth angle and location (not jaw position and whatnot) brackets seem to help significantly.

An expander would be up to the ortho, some orthos say an expander is no good after the middle of your teen years (that's what mine said) but there are several adults in this forum who have seen positive results from them.

Basically it's impossible to say in a forum. If you're serious about the idea of braces, get ahold of an ortho (maybe one suggested by your dentist) and get a consultation.

Good luck :)

Teeth of Cthulhu
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#3 Post by Teeth of Cthulhu »

Thanks for your input. I'm about to book an consultation, but the fee is £95 here. :?

Anyway, here's a picture of my teeth - does this kind of problem (inward slanting teeth) have a name? Some other people in my family have it.

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#4 Post by classII »

Called tipping. Frankly people try to achieve how yours look right now :shock: seriously. But from the looks of it a very short time in braces, however it might be your lower jaw is smaller and that's why the are 'reaching' inwards to meet with the bottoms. Do you have a profile, are the top fronts really leaning inwards to try to touch the bottoms?

Teeth of Cthulhu
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#5 Post by Teeth of Cthulhu »

I know my issue isn't that bad. However, I also have functional concerns regarding my bite. I find it very difficult to find a comfortable position for my teeth and often moved slowly my jaw around in an effort to. Furthermore, my jaw locks up while eating anything especially chewy and it's painful. Really painful.

Yes, the front teeth do slant inwards. My lower jaw is (I think) slightly retrognathic in profile, and so possibly smaller than the upper. What would be done to correct such an issue? Your input is much appreciated.

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#6 Post by classII »

Sounds like class II :wink:

Have a look at the 3rd picture [side view of the incisors], are yours tipped back so dramatically?

Just from the front in your pics. appear to be very slight which would require braces straightent up all the teeth, maybe tip the bottoms slight forward to hold the tops in place.

Very difficult without the profile view which is the key. But off the bat (and I am not qualified) nothing as drastic as expanders although you're only 17 and maybe some appliance vs. surgery can still be done. Again all depends on the severity.

Get a consult, be worth the few pounds for a lifetime of correct bite and teeth. Don't be put off by wearning an applience now if you have to, key is you are doing it when you are still growing, if you wait until stopped, you'll have less options etc. etc.

Teeth of Cthulhu
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#7 Post by Teeth of Cthulhu »

Not quite so dramatically as that, but then not far from it either. Also, my upper lip is very prominent, which could be a sign of having a disparity between lower/upper jaws? Not sure. I'll try to get a profile pic of the teeth up soon.

Thanks for your help, in any case.

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#8 Post by classII »

The key is:

1. You are still growing. The problem can be solved with an appliance.

2. When you stop growing, the problem can only be solved with surgery or extractions or neither and a 95% compromise.

My strong suggestion is to get to an ortho asap (one or two at least), get a proper diagnosis. And embrace their suggestion if they say you need an appliece (either to pull the bottom jaw forward or whatever), considered yourself very very lucky in that you are interested and want to do this now, while you are still growing. Most if not all of us, wish we had that option, that is able, interested to have solved this while still growing, otherwise once stopped, its surgery to move your bottom jaw forward or extractions to pull your upper arch back, all in order to fit / meet the lower arch.

From the looks of yours; it's "slight" and can be solved but you need to do it tomorrow while, and again I emphasise, you are still growing. Don't worry about having to wear appliances or looking odd or whatever today, think about tomorrow if you don't do it today, tomorrow might only be surgery or extractions.

Keep us posted.

You're in a prime position right now to catch it and fix it.

Teeth of Cthulhu
Posts: 73
Joined: Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:37 pm

#9 Post by Teeth of Cthulhu »

Thanks again. My only concern is this: I don't know if I am still growing. I am very mature physically for a seventeen year old. But in any case, I'll see what the orthodontist says.

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