considering changing from Damon to ibraces

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kate h
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:47 am

considering changing from Damon to ibraces

#1 Post by kate h »

I'm sure children must be easier patients than us 'grown ups' I opted for Damon braces but after having them in for 6 weeks i'm really not sure i can wear these for another 18 months. My work involves lots of presentations, client meetings - basically talking a lot and meeting lots of new people. I can deal with the pain but am just so conscious of how they look and how uncomfortable i feel about them.

I'm thinking about changing to ibraces (incognito) and would be interested in hearing if anyone has had a similar experience. I've heard that some people have speech problems with ibraces (ha ha from one problem to another :lol: )

Any advice would be a great help, thanks!

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