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Desperately in need of Nance advice!

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:32 pm
by SpeakEasyAmy
I just had my nance installed today and I'm seriously considering asking my orthodontist to remove it. I'm a high school teacher so I need to speak all day long. The nance not only inhibits my ability to communicate, it also causes a great deal of pain as my tongue rubs against the metal supports. Will this get better? Am I overreacting? I could handle speaking with the sores on my cheeks from my brackets, but my tongue is a different story. Please help :(

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:33 am
by drrick
it will get easier and you will get used to it quickly

for the speech practice reading alound for a while and speech will improve very quickly.

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:59 am
by tlkiser
Hang in there with your nance - it will get better. I've had one for about 9 months now and it really doesn't bother me at all any more. I do quite a bit of presenting and training at work, and was really worried when I first got mine, but it's fine now.

I do notice changes from time to time - I'm assuming it's caused by the changes in my teeth and bite. But, it's nothing compared to when the nance was new.

Don't be afraid to talk - I'd say talk as much as you can. You'll get used to it more quickly.