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Second day of braces, some re-assurance please?
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:36 am
by Danny91!
I'm 18 years old and after waiting for 5 long mouth-closed years I finally got braces yesterday. I've always been conscious of my appearance and everyone tells me I'm a good looking guy but now I have these train tracks in I feel so so ugly, I've taken two days off to let the pain settle before I go back to college tomorrow. Since then the only person outside of my family who has seen me is my girlfriend, who is so supportive and loves me unconditionally but I can't help but feel 13 years old again (that was when I was meant to have them, but the orthodontist made me wait)
I'm really worried about seeing my friends tomorrow, I'm not sure what they'll say or think about me. I'm on a course that involves me performing music on stage to potentially large audiences (last one had about 100 people watching me!), the course lasts two years and funnily enough, so do my braces. Being self conscious about myself anyway, I need a bit of re-assurance. I'm the only one on my course with braces, all my friends got them on and off years ago and so I don't know what to expect when I walk in tomorrow. I think a lot of them never had braces either which makes things worse
So advice, re-assurance, tips or whatever I will be so grateful for, thanks for reading!
If anyone's interested in what I actually look like: ... 879367.jpg
(Yes I know that picture is horrible, my eyes are closed etc... haha but whatever)
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:49 am
by signingsunflower
Hi there! I was a little nervous at first myself, but as my teeth started to move....I've become more and more confident. I'm glad I'm doing something that is going to improve my looks in the long run. Most people wouldn't be so brave. So, I applaud you at taking the plunge. Hold your head up and remember that in a short amount of time you are going to have an awesome smile that no one will be able to ignore. BTW...if you end up going into the area of theater....this is a great investment!!!
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:53 am
by Snowglobe32
I dont' have a lot of time to comment so I will come back later but I just wanted to say, you look like a rock star. So rock those braces! People will know you are comfortable with them and in reality, they will notice them at first because they are new, but they won't care after that.
Show everyone you are comfortable! Plus, being a performer, you might even inspire others to get them also! Didn't Gewn Stefani have braces and she "rocked" hers!
Plus, they are pretty cool, they add character and I am sure there are many people who wished they could have braces! Give it some time, and you will get used to them. Keep us updated.
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:11 am
by TumbleDryLow
Ah yes. You are in phase one. The "what-the-hell-was-I-thinking" phase. This phase goes by very quickly. Once the initial shock of seeing yourself in braces wears off, and once you get used to eating with braces, and once everyone you know has seen you in them, you will loose any self consciousness you had. I know. It's hard to believe, but trust me---you will.
You then enter phase two: "This-ain't-so-bad-I-can't-believe-I was-so-freaked-out". This is when you may actually forget they are there. You will wear the braces, the braces won't wear you.
Then, when your teeth are straight, you are proud to smile, and your debanding date is looming, you will enter phase three: "Been-there-done-that-got-the-T-shirt- when-the-hell-are-these-things-coming-off".
So don't worry. It really does get better and easier. Congratulations. You won't regret any of this. As for being a performer, don't worry about it.....once you get past your first performance and see that no one at all even notices your braces, the rest will be a piece of cake. Most of us here are working adults and deal with lots of co-workers, bosses, clients, and the general public on a daily basis with no hesitation or self-consciousness at all.
Best wishes.
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:24 am
by Danny91!
Thanks so much for all your quick responses guys, it really means a lot to me. I'm assuming most of you are from the USA, in the UK we do things a bit differently.
We do have private orthodontists that you have to pay, but we have this huge thing called the NHS (National Health Service). So basically, it's free health care. I wanted these braces years ago but my family couldn't afford to pay for them privately and my NHS dentist made me wait, until my parents went in and told them how unfair it was. (A lot of dentists on the NHS are really good, but there are some lazy ones too!)
So anyways yeah! And I actually play guitar, bass, drums and I also sing. Hoping to take it further after this college course (To university) so you might even see me on TV, with my pearly whites!
Again thank you everyone you've really boosted my confidence and I feel better already

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:49 pm
by Laura1985
It'll get better, promise! Tumbledrylow is exactly right about the phases of what it feels like to be an adult with braces. You have nothing to be self-conscious about. Just by looking at one photo of you, I think you look like a lot of fun and in a non-creepy way- you are very cute. You might feel weird at first, but hopefully this will make you a more confident person in the end and you can exude that stronger confidence on stage! Even if your friends tease you a little bit, it won't last long. Keep your head high!
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:52 pm
by mp921
I love TumbleDryLow's explanation of the different stages. So true!! Good luck with your journey!
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:04 pm
by electrokitty
Hi Danny91, congrats on being braced!
18 isn't so old to get braces, now you'll have all of your 20s and beyond with nice teeth! I nearly got braces on the NHS when I was 15 but there was such a long waiting list and in the end I wimped out, which I really regret. I only just got brave enough at 27 and then I ended up having to go private and completely skint myself for a year.
Are your braces ceramic or did you get full metal?
TumbleDryLow is absolutely spot on about the 3 phases of braces. You go from thinking you'll never get used to them to forgetting you even have braces in no time.
Don't worry about the performing thing. Nobody ever notices I have braces unless they're within a few feet. People don't pay as much attention as you think they do. Also, if you don't care that you have braces, I promise you no one else will.
Anyways, good luck with getting used to the braces and with your college course!
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:14 pm
by evilnel
Danny91, I know how you feel. I got my braces on Friday (so about 5 days ago), and was very self-conscious at first, especially since I teach undergrads (I'm a grad student). I was dreading going back to school on Monday thinking everybody would notice and make comments, but most people don't say anything, and the people that do pretty much commiserate about their own experience with braces, or saying how their siblings or friends or whatever all had them. I've had a total of 3 people say something. My best advice is just to not worry about it. As with everything about your appearance, you are a lot more aware of it than others are, so don't sweat it.
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:24 pm
by blueeyedboy
TumbleDryLow wrote:Ah yes. You are in phase one. The "what-the-hell-was-I-thinking" phase.
You then enter phase two: "This-ain't-so-bad-I-can't-believe-I was-so-freaked-out". .
Then, when your teeth are straight, you are proud to smile, and your debanding date is looming, you will enter phase three: "Been-there-done-that-got-the-T-shirt- when-the-hell-are-these-things-coming-off".
Great description of the three phases of orthodontic treatment, from the patient's point of view!
Phase 3 can last a while, though. I believe it begins at about a year and lasts till you get them off!
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:41 pm
by Bellalalala
You'll also find that every single person who has had braces will totally sympathize, and anyone with crooked teeth will be kind of envious.
They show that you take care of yourself, and you take pride in yourself.
Also, a lot of people find it cute. Seriously.
Rock your braces with pride!
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:48 am
by Danny91!
Yeah, TumbleDryLow that explanation of the phases really re-assured me! Thanks for that
It just feels like weeks at the moment, I keep looking in the mirror for any movement and even though I understand the process is slow, can't help myself!
I got the metal ones because I think ceramic ones are quite expensive, although I could be wrong! I don't regret getting them anymore, when I see people who have just had their braces off I just kinda hold that feeling, like I remember how good they look. I can't wait for that day and I hope it will be earlier than two years. My dentist said treatment is usually two years and that's what threw me off because I thought mine would only be for a year or a little bit more than a year.
I'm kind of at that point now where I'm not in pain anymore but I can feel the movement. And also I'm in between feeling them there and not feeling them, like I'll forget for 5 minutes or so then I'll remember. Hopefully I'll forget before I go to work tomorrow! It's so strange to hear from people in their 20's onwards who have them and I think that's really brave of anyone to do, it really does show pride in appearance, which is how I've always been as well. It's strange how in about 3 days I have completely changed my mindset on them.
I used to see them on people and envy them but at the same time think "I don't know if I would want my smile to be like that for 2 years" but now that I'm in their shoes I just can't wait for my teeth to be straight so I can smile with my mouth open, even with braces! It's a physical change and a mental learning curve that you can't teach!
Thanks a lot for the good luck electrokitty, and I'm happy for you not wimping out and going ahead with what you want even if it did scar financially! I'm almost proud of you for doing that even though that sounds extremely strange
And thanks to everyone, you've all been so supportive and welcoming towards me and I really appreciate it
Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:52 am
by margarita
hi danny I am also from the UK!
I got braces 2 weeks ago and i'm 20. I went private as obviously I am too 'old' for NHS. I didn't have a decent dentist til I was about 17 and he suggested that I get braces as my teeth were straight but a few were slightly wonky I even went to the Orthodontist but being 17 I was like erm no thanks I don't want to look like
that for a year!
But after seeing a few photos (argh) of myself and realising that when I laugh I always try to cover my mouth I decided to go ahead with it, which meant having 2 teeth out which bothers me at the moment more than the actual brace as when I laugh I have a big gap either side which isn't too attractive
I work in a retail environment and was extremely nervous about going to work as I didn't tell anyone but I just went in and gave this massive grin and went 'I got braces' ha to be honest I didn't know what I was expecting but people just went 'oh yeah...' and back to normal! Someone said on here a saying 'I would rather people think oh yeah she has braces than oh she needs braces' and its true
I have ceramic uppers but you can only get them private (or so I have been told)
I have forgot about mine totally and I was in agony for the first few days thinking 'How on earth is this going to feel better?!' Also I suppose I didn't realise that I wouldn't be able to eat the same as before either for a while as I couldn't actually chew at ALL which was a bit of a nightmare.
Trust me people just don't care

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:23 am
by TigerLily
Well you look cool, so perhaps even other kids will copy you
I actually think it's better to be a bit older with braces, you have an investment (even if in your case it's not a monetary one) and you are more committed to wearing your elastics etc.
Also in the UK but a lot older than you

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:24 am
by virgoan
I understand how you feel completely. I got mine at 24, so I was completely petrified of going back to work and school (graduate) with shiny metal in my mouth. The first week was especially bad because I had a temporary lisp and the brackets were irritating my gums a whole bunch.
That said, your mouth adjusts rather quickly (I'd say within 2-3 weeks) to the point that you barely feel them .. so it makes it easier to "forget" they're there and focus on other things. As mentioned above, most people don't look twice and don't care at all about your braces. The only comments I've gotten have been about other adults they knew who had them, or how they admire me for getting them - but really, most people don't say a word and it doesn't have an impact whatsoever.
And, as time passes and your teeth start looking better and better, it feels a lot less embarrassing and a lot more exciting. I try to remind myself that I'm going to have a great smile in a relatively short amount of time (no more than 7-8 months, or so I've been told).
You will have negative days and I still dislike meeting new people with them on, but it's worth it. Good luck!