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35 and Braces

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:24 pm
by wildbill
I will turn 35 in a few weeks and I am supposed to get braces soon. I just had x-rays and had my teeth molded. Next I'm scheduled to have 3 extractions to make room for the realigned teeth. I was told my braces will be on for about 24 months. I will have the metal ones on the bottom and the ceramic ones on top. I'm supposed to have one more appointment before the procedure to get more information. This is what I know as of now.

So being a 35 year-old male you can see I will undoubtedly stick out in a crowd. I guess you could say I'm a little nervous, especially with trying to explain this whole story over and over to friends and family. That's what I'm dreading the most. I could care less about the actual procedure and the cost isn't a factor. My wife is supportive so that helps. I do have two children, 12 and 7, and their teeth are straight so far, thank God.

This whole thing started after high school. My teeth were relatively straight but during my college years I had some issues with wisom teeth coming in and it pushed some teeth around. I didn't have dental insurance at this time cause I wasn't covered under my parents' plan and I didn't have any coverage myself. So my problem was not taken care of when it should have been. By the time I got a good job after college and had dental coverage, it was too late.

For the past 10 years I've had to deal with crooked, overcrowded teeth, mostly on the bottom. I don't think most people have noticed but it has really bothered my the past few years. Having crooked teetch also makes me want to talk less so people don't notice. I'm not a shy person but by not talking as much it makes me look shy. I'm actually quite I help coach youth football and play recreation sports such as volleyball.

Does anyone have any advice or things to look forward to, especially with how to deal with braces at my age. I'm sure everyone will take their jabs at me but all I want is straight teeth and I will have to take my fair share of jokes to get through all this.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:45 pm
by Snowglobe32
I got my braces when I was 32, just turned 33, and I think you will find it will be the best thing you have ever done for youself. Plus, I would think having braces as a teen, is more "tramatic" than having them as an adult. As a teenager, image is everything. As an adult, who cares, you are doing this for yourself and are more appreciative of having braces so you will take better care of your teeth, while in braces and when you are out of them.

Congratulations on making the decision. Your life is about to change, for the better! I promise!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:55 pm
by wildbill
Snowglobe32 wrote:I got my braces when I was 32, just turned 33, and I think you will find it will be the best thing you have ever done for youself. Plus, I would think having braces as a teen, is more "tramatic" than having them as an adult. As a teenager, image is everything. As an adult, who cares, you are doing this for yourself and are more appreciative of having braces so you will take better care of your teeth, while in braces and when you are out of them.

Congratulations on making the decision. Your life is about to change, for the better! I promise!
Thanks. Yeah, I know I can make it through this ok. It's the whole thing about explaining the story to every single person that I encounter that really bothers me.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:50 pm
by jjs34748
Hey wildbill, I am right there with you. I am a 36 year old male and have mine for two months now. As my job involves talking to alot of people of varying ages, I understand what your concern is. Let me twll you that the vast majority of people do not even notice or just don't really care to bother you about it. I work in the aviaiation maintenace industry, and the whole industry can be a very joking around group with each other, if you know what I mean.

The few folks that have said anything to me have said something because they are interested in posibbly getting their teeth fixed also. My advice is that you do absolutly nothing to try to hide that you have them. The harder you try to not make them apparent, the more apperent they are. Just yesterday I was talking to my realtor at the hose we are purchasing for a good half an hour before I even let her know that I had them, and then she finally realised they were there.

As far as the kids go, I have 12 and 8 year old boys, both in active treatment right now. Understand that teeth are genetic, and if you have not done so yet, I would recommend that you atleast have them visit an Ortho and make sure all is good. This saved some potentially severe problems that my 12 year old could have had later in life, and higher treatment cost for me to pay. He also did not look like he may have needed orthodontic treatment. My 8 year old was very obvious that he needed som early treatment.

So I say, sit back, enjoy what you are doing for yourself, because I bet you are like me, doing everything you can for your family and nothing for yourself. there will be discomfort, but it is all worth it in the end. And if you have not seen my posts in the Bracket Club topic, I am in my second time being treated with braces, and both my kids and my wife are also braced up. Good luck and enjoy your treatment, as much as you can atleast.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:56 pm
by Bekah
I am 34 and have been in braces for the last year and a half. I have had very few people even ask about my braces! The only people who said anything in the beginning were the people who knew me prior to getting braced. Last week was the first time a stranger asked and he wanted to know if they hurt because he was getting his on soon after that!

The response I get is usually good. No worries! You are making a great decision!

35 and Braces

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:22 pm
by PatJ
Agree with all of the above. Hardly anyone will make any comments on your braces although sometimes I felt that they wanted to say something but didn't know how to approach the subject. I moved around in casual / contract jobs for a while when I was wearing them and I would break the ice myself - for example if sticky donuts/cakes or other treats were being offered around then I would politely say, "Thanks but my orthodontist would kill me...." That seemed to open up the conversation always in a positive way. I was 55 when I got my braces on so you have a 20 years head start - I wish I had done it at that age. Have now been brace free for nearly 3 months after 2 years. Well worth the effort.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:48 pm
by tsmurfenator
My experience has been that nobody I don't already know well brings up the subject. I couldn't imagine a stranger or casual acquaintance mentioning them. It's just like a new hair color, or a new outfit People who I knew were more like, "You look different. Did you get braces?" I don't see a lot of explaining to do. Everybody knows what braces are and what they are for, and why you're getting them. The only question I've gotten is "For how long?" I noticed as soon as I got braces I started talking more and smiling more, I just wanted the whole world to know I had them. This is coming from a guy who was too self-conscious to get them all his life until 34.

The first thing I personally notice about anybody I see is whether or not they have braces, but very few people (thankfully?) are as superificial as me, this is in extreme minority. I honestly believe that very few people notice. Braces are truly not a big deal.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:56 pm
by Donna
Welcome to the forum! I'm 42 and have had my braces on for about 6 months. Honestly, not one person has ever commented on them, so I can't give you any advice on the jabs you might have to endure. Then again, men can tease other men mercilessly, can't they?

I really don't think you have to explain youself to people. It might make you feel better, but I doubt most people will care that you are wearing braces.

Good luck with your journey!!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:59 pm
by meeksfor3
Bekah wrote:I am 34 and have been in braces for the last year and a half. I have had very few people even ask about my braces! The only people who said anything in the beginning were the people who knew me prior to getting braced. Last week was the first time a stranger asked and he wanted to know if they hurt because he was getting his on soon after that!

The response I get is usually good. No worries! You are making a great decision!
I am a 38 year old male and I have to agree with Bekah. Although I have only had mine for 1 week most people don't even mention it and those who do are supportive. You made the right decision and will be happy in the end.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:31 am
by Boohill
Hi wildbill. I just turned 35 and Ive had my braces for just a week now but I love them. I still smile really big and I dont care who sees them. I have a full metal grill. I have not gotten any negative comments from anyone (yet). You will be fine. My children have been very supportive as well although my 17 year old son thinks its funny to call me "braceface". Its good that you have a supportive wife and this is going to be the begining of your new smile. You wont stick out as much as you think you will. Good luck!!

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:57 pm
by wildbill
Ok I'm back. It's been awhile but I've been in the waiting stage for quite some time. A few weeks ago I had an appointment with my regular dentist to check my gums...which I think is routine. Then today I just had 3 teeth removed since I had overcrowding issues. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Plus I've slowly been mentioning to friends and family about me getting braces and so far everyone is supporting me and telling me it's not that big of a deal for an adult. I'm not sure why I've been worrying so much about it, but it does feel good to hear people say supportive things. Next week I have my regular teeth cleaning appointing and also a check up for my extraction surgery.

So now I'm down to three weeks until I get my braces on.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:31 am
by fosterp
looks like you and me will be getting ours at almost the same time

i am due for march 16th

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:26 am
by wildbill
fosterp wrote:looks like you and me will be getting ours at almost the same time

i am due for march 16th
March 22 for me

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 6:07 pm
by spinme
Hi there, I'm 50 and just about to get braced! I've had one premolar extracted this week, and two more to be taken out next week along with a visit to the hygienist for cleaning. I already had one premolar extracted 25 years ago. Then my appointment for braces is March 17th.

After waiting so long, mainly due to the cost, but also because I was just so nervous about it all, I get the urge to tell everyone I'm getting braces. :D

My children have both had braces so I guess it's because I'm so used to being at the orthodontist's that I'm ready to do it now. I've always hated my crooked teeth; my dentist urged me to look at getting them straightened as my teeth were moving and I was in danger of having one of my top front teeth getting pushed out. So not long now...

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 9:21 pm
by wildbill
spinme wrote:Hi there, I'm 50 and just about to get braced! I've had one premolar extracted this week, and two more to be taken out next week along with a visit to the hygienist for cleaning. I already had one premolar extracted 25 years ago. Then my appointment for braces is March 17th.

After waiting so long, mainly due to the cost, but also because I was just so nervous about it all, I get the urge to tell everyone I'm getting braces. :D

My children have both had braces so I guess it's because I'm so used to being at the orthodontist's that I'm ready to do it now. I've always hated my crooked teeth; my dentist urged me to look at getting them straightened as my teeth were moving and I was in danger of having one of my top front teeth getting pushed out. So not long now...
Good for you. Good luck! I will say it is comforting to hear that other people have similar issues as myself. I also had to wait due to cost. Braces aren't cheap!