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Getting braced tomorrow!
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:44 pm
by Kharmynn
After years of hating my teeth, I finally decided to actively seek improvement for them. I went about 4 months ago to get several consultations and out of those chose an orthodontist that I felt had a good treatment plan and was well recommended (it didn't hurt that he was the closest of the bunch too).
I kind of put everything on hold through the holidays, but called the office about a week and a half ago to get the ball rolling again. They had me in the office last Tuesday to get spacers put in (those little things hurt!), and I'm scheduled to go in tomorrow morning at 9:40 to get the braces put on.
It feels like it's all happening so fast!
Now that the time is getting close, I'm starting to get a little nervous. Having my mouth being open and worked on for a couple hours sounds a little torturous (and claustrophobic).
I thought I could bring my moved slowly, and that listening to music would help keep my mind off being stressed.
Does anyone have any tips or ideas that helped them get through being braced?
I know I'm being a big baby, I just don't do well in unfamiliar situations.
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:33 pm
by gary
I'm going tomorrow to start my sentence tomorrow too, after years of hating my teeth/bite! I'm not at all looking forward to the next year +. I'm right there with you friend.....
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:34 pm
by gary
I guess there is no edit function for this site. Just disregard one of those "tomorrows"^^^^^^^^^^

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:27 pm
by Kharmynn
Ok then gary, we'll have to be brace-buddys
Good luck tomorrow...
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:50 pm
by wycket
Hello Kharmynn and Gary!

Good luck tomorrow!!
Kharmynn, I understand all of your concerns (tomorrow is 1 week for me), and I really had myself worked up prior to getting my braces on. However, it was really not bad, and was nowhere near what I thought it would be. I think if you focus on remaining calm, try to control your breathing, etc... you'll be just fine! It was a little overwhelming initially, but my procedure only took approximately 45 mins or less, from start to finish! Let your ortho know your concerns, and I'm sure they'll do everything they can to make sure you're comfortable!
Keep us posted, and feel free to ask any questions... someone here will be happy to help!

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:01 pm
by Snowglobe32
I think you are making a great decision to get them- think about how you will feel once the treatment is over!
When I got my braces on, it took a little over an hour to do top and bottom. I don't know if you can listen to music because the assistant will be talking to you, asking you to move your head this way or that way, or asking about how this or that feels, throughout the entire process. My assistant told me everything she was going to do before she did it and that was helpful. Her voice sounded similiar to one of my friends, so it was comforting to hear it.
In my opinion, getting the braces on, has been the easiest part so far. The hardest part for me so far, was showing up to get my consultation!
Good luck tomorrow!
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:09 pm
by blindboarder2008
good suggestions everyone!
welcome aboard to the two of you!!! best of luck tomorrow on your brace day. rember to take something for pain a half an hour before (it helps with the initial pain) and you'll be fine. ask questions as much as you need and talk to the assistant who with you!
you can start to use a salt water rinse afterwards, it helps with some discomfort and surface inflamation
don't be afraid to ask any more questions!
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:04 pm
by gary
Kharmynn wrote:Ok then gary, we'll have to be brace-buddys
Good luck tomorrow...
Thanks, good luck to you too. And everyone else for their advice...
Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:29 pm
by MrMetalMouth1029
Welcome to the dark side, both of you

You'll be fine. My advice for tomorrow is to just....relax! It'll be alright! I don't remember the process taking horribly long. An hour and a half, maybe? It was recommended to me to take some aspirin beforehand because the soreness will start shortly after. Depending on your tolerance level, you either will feel a little soreness or you may feel like a major car accident occurred in your mouth on Wednesday. But the soreness/pain is temporary. Do what the orthodontist tells you--stay away from certain foods...especially hard candy! No candy canes this Christmas! I learned my lesson the hard way two months after I was braced, lol. And enjoy the freebies they give you...I felt like a kid in a candy store the day I got braced!
Enjoy the ride and the transformation!
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:37 am
by nuttynat
It's amazing how it goes from just a 'thought' to the actual event.
I'm no expert, but having been in my braces for 11 days and just gone through the ordeal, my advice would be to use wax when it starts to rub on your cheeks, stock up on lots of soft foods and probably more sipable foods like soups & custard.. mm yummy
I had some teeth extracted before I got my braces and so I had to wait a few weeks and the anticipation was killing me. So many times I asked my fiance.. will this actually work? what will I look like?
On the day I got my braces I was alone & laying back on the dental chair for a minute or two. Staring up at the ceiling I found myself drawing back a large breath otherwise I was going to cry! Don't ask me why, maybe it was because after 20 odd years of having the same teeth I was actually doing something about it.
Wishing you both the best with your braces experience
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:57 am
by gary
My god that was the most uncomfortable 2 1/2 hours I 've ever spent in my life. Easily. No pain. Just really uncomfortable. My mouth has never been so dry as it was in that chair. Well it's done. All I need now is a large blanket to hide from the world under....

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:04 pm
by Kharmynn
I hear ya, gary. Not the most comfortable experience ever for me either. It took about 2 hours.
For me the worst parts were them fitting the metal bands around my bottom teeth (the spacers made the tooth on the left side really tender and sore. Probably because that side is so crowded, so that was painful), and the part where your mouth is pried open and they have every instrument they can think of jammed in there. Seriously, I was maxed. I had to remind myself not to panic. The music helped. I had the earbud in one ear so I could still pay attention to "the main event" as well.
Now I just need to learn how to fit my lips around these braces. And how to eat again.
Thanks everyone for the tips and warm welcome. I know you've all been there, and appreciate you sharing your experience.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:12 pm
by deano306
Hi, I'm with you too! Had my brace fitted today and it's taken a long time to get here but once I had enough courage to start the ball rolling things went fairly quick. After the initial consultation to today it's be about 3/4 months - just hoping the time goes as quick now they're fitted!
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:19 pm
by Kharmynn
deano306 wrote:Hi, I'm with you too! Had my brace fitted today and it's taken a long time to get here but once I had enough courage to start the ball rolling things went fairly quick. After the initial consultation to today it's be about 3/4 months - just hoping the time goes as quick now they're fitted!
Welcome to the gang, Dean. You'll have to be one of my brace-buddies too.
What's your sentence?
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:41 pm
by deano306
Kharmynn wrote:deano306 wrote:Hi, I'm with you too! Had my brace fitted today and it's taken a long time to get here but once I had enough courage to start the ball rolling things went fairly quick. After the initial consultation to today it's be about 3/4 months - just hoping the time goes as quick now they're fitted!
Welcome to the gang, Dean. You'll have to be one of my brace-buddies too.
What's your sentence?
I'm a one arch only (top) with 18 months to serve.