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Open Bite -- Ortho Polish Teeth

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:28 pm
by tyeomans
I am getting my braces removed on Feb. 22, and my last adjustment was January 8. I have a slight open bite on the right side of mouth where the canine is located. I am afraid that this will not close in time for my braces removal. So here's my question. Does polishing and shaping the teeth after the braces are off help a person's bite even more? I know that he will have to shape some of my teeth because both of my front incisors have chips in them. Do you guys know what I am talking? Does shaping the teeth make the bite fit better?

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:07 am
by drrick
often what is called an occlusal adjustment is done on the biting surfaces of the teeth to help then mesh better.