How long after getting braces you stopped seing any movement

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How long after getting braces you stopped seing any movement

#1 Post by felicia »

In the beginning we obsess a lot about the movement of our teeth. After a while we obsess less and less...until we see no more movement...and then we start obsessing about WHY DON'T THEY MOVE ANYMORE?
After how long did you stopped seeing any movement?

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#2 Post by Waiting2BeFabulous »

It seems like a couple of months for me since I've seen any movement. I'm accepting the fact that all of the movement isn't necessarily visible, but I still have a few gaps that I'd like to see get smaller, and they don't seem to be getting there. My extraction gaps seemed to close a lot without me looking at them, but I think I was so much more focused on the teeth straightening out that I kind of "missed" it. Now that I have OTHER gaps and my teeth are all pretty much aligned, the new gaps are my new (and almost only) focal point. might be my imagination as I've not been in elastics for even a month seems like SOMETHING is different (better) about my smile since I've been wearing them. I have a slight open bite - my ortho told me it really wasn't that bad to begin with. I wonder if anyone else saw (or thought they saw) changes soon after they started elastics?

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#3 Post by haywire »

my upper teeth straigthened in the first 3 months. so no movement since there
Braces on 23/07/2009
Braces off 10/12/2010

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#4 Post by tyeomans »

I got my braces in December of 2007, so I probably stopped seeing any movement around the summer of 2008. My dentist told me that the cool thing about being an orthodontist is that they can tell how much the teeth have moved in between adjustments. I agree cause my teeth have looked prettymuch the same this past year. By the way, how long does a power chain keep its strength? I had my last adjustment on Jan. 8th with a power chain on top. I have a small gap between my canine and incisor. It still hasn't closed. I'm worried because I am supposed to get my braces off February 22nd!

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#5 Post by Margie »

I think I stopped seeing movement after 5 months or so. My teeth have pretty much straightened out, I just have a couple of small gaps to close and then they are probably going to fix my bite.

I have quite a few questions about my treatment plan the next time I go in.

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#6 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I have to say that I've noticed movement during my entire treatment. Even when I couldn't see movement I could feel that movement was happening b/c my bite would change. My teeth were pretty cloogy though.

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#7 Post by loz876 »

I've had my braces about 18 months, and they've been generally straight for about 6 months or so, so I haven't really seen any movement since then, though I'm getting a tooth extracted soon so there'll be more movement, and a small gap formed a few months ago but my ortho hasn't done anything about that yet. Shouldn't take too long to close though.

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#8 Post by slharding »

I haven't SEEN any movement in about 10 months. About 8 months ago we started closing up my extraction gaps and I can feel them moving! They used to be huge! Now I can barely stick my tongue in them! But I can't see the changes. I was one of those who had mostly bite problems, so my teeth seemed to be looking pretty good almost right away.

My latest appointment was yesterday though, and gosh darn it my bottom teeth are killing me - my first powerchain(pink!), a new bend in the wire, and the first time we've touced my bottom teeth in what seems like forever! My bite is all messed up now!
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#9 Post by MrMetalMouth1029 »

I've felt movement the entire time I've been in braces. Even now, I feel like my teeth are aligned differently, as if they're tugging or pulling. This happens pretty commonly. Visually, I would say my movement has been more active in these more recent months as opposed to the beginning when the movements seemed smaller. To each his own, I suppose :)
Braced (upper and lower): 10/29/08
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#10 Post by gracey82 »

7 months in and still can see movements!!

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