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Super Nervous!

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:43 pm
by lovelyleo
This morning I made my appointment to have my wisdom teeth removed. I already have my braces so I am super nervous. The doctor said that my braces wouldn't be a problem, but I still fear that I will wake up with something broken or out of place. I know that the scenario is highly unprobable, but you never know.
I am really happy to be getting these wisdom teeth removed. They have been killing me on and off since I started wearing elastics. I hope this ceases the aches I have been having in my upper cheekbone area. It almost feels like something is constantly pressing gently enough to where it doesn't affect my life drasticaly but annoying enough to be noticeable.
Anywho, Feb. 19th is the date so if you are a praying person pray that it all goes well and I so not get dry socket. [/i]

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:10 pm
by Audra
I hope you don't get dry socket. I've had that and it's no fun.

Hope it all goes well for you :)

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:02 pm
by tyeomans
July 30th will be one year since I had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted! I had braces when I had them removed, and let me tell you! Everything went perfect! I was scared to death to get them taken out, but it was a breeze. I woke up feeling no pain, and recovery was quick and comfortable. You will do just fine! You oral surgeon won't do anything to ruin your braces. If something were to happen, I'm sure they could easily fix it.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:18 am
by felicia
I had 3 of my wisdom teeth removed all at once (while not in braces). As long as you follow the instruction doctor gives you, you should not get a dry socket. After my extractions I was very, very, very careful while eating and brushing, I tried only to chew with my front teeth, very small bites, swallow very carefully, I also drank a lot of Ensure. When brushing I did not even go close to where I had the extractions. I rinsed a lot with salted water.
Short story: I was very careful for about 10 days.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:07 pm
by peach
Hi. I had two wisdom teeth removed prior to braces and 4 teeth removed with braces. I didn't have any problems either time. I was a tired but didn't have any pain. I'm sure you'll do great too :) Just follow the instructions they give you post op.