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Staining with Radiance Braces
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:40 pm
by Kimmy04
Hi Guys, had my Radiance braces fitted today and quite happy with them although as a big tea and coffee drinker I am a little worried about staining them? So any advice greatly appreciated... do I cut out tea and coffee for the next 2 years or can I keep up my habit? Also concerned about tomato based sauces, chilli con carne, spag bols etc, do I need to be worried? After dropping a stone in weight after having my arch expander and lower braces put on I really don't want to have to cut out more foods

anyway any help would be great, thank you![/b]
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:42 pm
by TumbleDryLow
I have Inspire Ice brackets which are also made from clear sapphire. The brackets do not stain, but what can stain are the ligatures. If you choose clear ligatures know that they will almost certainly stain. You can choose other discrete colors like smoke, light grey or light silver and these will resist staining. I use light gray and really like them.
You can drink coffee and tea with a straw. I do. This will definitely prevent those items from staining the ligs. I don't eat a lot of tomato based items b/c I know they stain. Those I do eat I try to confine to the back of my mouth, so I cut up pizza instead of biting into it. I don't eat curry at all. Curry stains any color lig except the very dark colors. Mustard is also a no-go for me. I also no longer drink red wine unless I'm at home--then I can drink it with a straw and only my husband is there to laugh at me.
I'm very, very picky about how my ligs look though, so don't let me scare you as I am not the norm. You will need to find out for yourself how picky you are. The ligs are changed at every adjustment so you can experiment a bit. If you like the way clear ligs look, try them, see how it goes. If they stain too badly try one of the colors I suggested, see how it goes. You will learn soon enough what you need to do to keep yourself happy in your braces.
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:18 pm
by socksy
I have radiance brackets and they are beautiful (if I do say so myself

) and Tumble is correct - the brackets don't stain at all but the ligatures definitely do.
I agree with Tumble on everything - I never eat curry anymore - it is the worst staining culprit and ruins the look of your ligs immediately. I'm careful with tomato and coffee and I've cut tea out. I get my ligs changed every three weeks and they look very good for the first two weeks or so. They need to go by the third week. I also recommend you choose pearl instead of clear - the clear look amazing at first but they stain SO easily and quickly it's not worth it. Pearl is my favorite.
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:56 am
by trillium
I have radiance brackets (don't stain), wire ties (don't stain), but the power chains do get a bit stained as the weeks go on between appointments.
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:35 am
by Kimmy04
thank you... this helps! Tumbledrylow, I will pop out to the shop and stock up on straws

. I think I have wire tie things rather than clear ligatures, I didn't realise I was going to get these, but they look different to the bands on my lower braces, perhaps he put these on because he knew I was worried about staining?? Guess it is a matter of trial and error, I will see how I get on over the next few weeks and will maybe have to eliminate foods after the next appointment!
Thanks again! Love the forum, so helpful!
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:53 am
by TumbleDryLow
Wire ties are the best! No staining at all with those so eat and drink whatever you like. I forgot about them because I've been in powerchains for the past year. I miss wire ties.....
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:33 pm
by trillium
TumbleDryLow wrote:Wire ties are the best! No staining at all with those so eat and drink whatever you like. I forgot about them because I've been in powerchains for the past year. I miss wire ties.....
I have wire ties AND power chains AND elastics. Wire ties are good, they HURT more, and it feels kind of weird when they remove them. Can't wait to see what the next adjustment brings

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:48 am
by Capsfan
I just got my braces last week and my ligatures are already stained. I will definitely not be going with clear at my next appointment.
Re: Staining with Radiance Braces
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:39 am
by Lauradarlin
I'm freaking out - I just got my braces fitted a week ago and tonight was the first time I'd felt I could eat anything other than yoghurt and mashed potato and I went for a curry thinking it would be gentler than other foods - dahl, spinach rice etc...Now I think I've stained my braces - they're definitely yellower even after 20 mins of scrubbing! I have no idea about all of the technical terms, my quote says I have Radiance Plus brackets but as for bands and chains and self ligating stuff I'm clueless - what shall I do?! Any help very much appreciated!! :)
Re: Staining with Radiance Braces
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:09 am
by ItsFreyja
Your Radiance brackets are connected to the archwire with little rubbery O-rings, which were most likely clear in color before your curry incident. The O-rings stain easily (the brackets themselves do not) and are usually replaced at each adjustment; if the staining really bothers you, call your ortho and see if they'll let you come in and get them changed out earlier.