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Newbie here... need encouragement. Help? (pics)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:28 am
by JavaChip
Hello all! I'm Java. :P

Well I've been thinking about braces for a long while, maybe 8 years. I'm only 18 (I'm in college) but have always been self-conscious about my teeth... my upper arch is too narrow and I have an overbite so my teeth stick out. And most importantly I fell when I was 9 or so and hit one of my front teeth... it didn't break but it kinda "went into the gum" so now they are really crooked and it's horrible. I've hated them ever since but didn't have the guts to get braces because of what people would think. I always found an excuse. But I'm tired of not being able to smile in pictures (it looks reeeeeally awkward) and the worst part is that I actually find braces pretty/interesting and would love to have them. :oops:

I only have my laptop's webcam so sorry for the bad quality. Anyway here are my teeth as of now:

I've "decided" to get braces many times... I usually read this forum but... well I always chickened out before even calling for a consult. I know my mother would have no problems should I tell her that I want braces (she actually suggested I should get them when I was younger... I should have listened). So now I've decided I HAVE to do this. I know I'll be okay with the braces, if I could just get to the part of actually getting them on... so as a first step I registered here, hoping your support will help me (telling me to 'JUST DO IT!' works too, lol). :)

Some years ago I would have never considered metal braces, EVER. But... well I've come to terms with myself since and don't care what people think really. And I like metal braces and well if I'm going to do it I might as well be obvious about it! I feel that getting ceramic ones would be kinda trying to hide them (that's why I would have wanted them some years ago). Besides (I know it's not always the case!) I've done my research and found that ceramic ones are generally bulkier and the ligs stain (I'm a big tea, coffee and red wine drinker... and love my sauces and curry and stuff and even if they are changed regularly I wouldn't want to have yet another thing to worry about).

So... being the control freak I am, I used my really cheap photoshop skills to try and get a feel of how I'd look with braces so I can sort of get the feel of it and it doesn't come as a shock later. Maybe I'm a little ridiculous. :oops: But I thought it was a good idea to give me the push in the right direction and clear my doubts. I don't know if what I did is accurate though, so I'd like opinions. :P Would they (probably) look something like this?

Image Image

Because I think that's not too bad. :) I actually think it looks kinda cute, matches with the metal bits I already have on my nose. :lol:

So yeah, basically... do you think they'll look somewhat like that? And... I don't know, I need some sort of encouragement (posting this here feels great enough!). I've been lurking for a while and you seem like really nice folks. So hey, nice to meet you all, and cheers!


Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:51 am
by 207
I'm certainly no expert, but I think that's a pretty accurate picture of what they may look like. I waited until I was 35 to get braces. Needless to say I wish I had gotten them when I was 18. I'm guessing since you're 18 you are probably in your first year of college. Just imagine, if you got braces now you'd probably have them off by your senior year. Strolling around campus laughing and smilling showing your teeth without a care in the world. I know I'm jsut some stranger on the internet, but I say Go For It.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:57 pm
by ana
Hi JavaChip.

I'm 27 and just got braces yesterday (only lowers, as I already had one of those retainer-like braces to straighten my upper teeth when I was younger). Like you, I've always hated my teeth and have been thinking about getting braces for a long time.
I really wish I would have done this sooner, but I just couldn't afford it as a student and therefore had to wait until I got a job and was actually able to save some money.
So JUST DO IT :wink: You might as well do it now, if you have the possibility. Just think of how nice your teeth will look in the end. Trust me, it'll be worth it.
I actually think braces look cool :D And judging by the photoshop, you'll look great in them.
Good luck.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:22 pm
by dundeechick
Hi Javachip,
I can totally relate... i've cancelled two consults already!
How did you do the photoshop thig? My nose is pierced too :)

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:53 pm
by nuttynat
Take the plunge. I got my braces in January a few weeks after I turned 30 and after having thought about getting braces for at least a decade.
You're young and if you get them now you'll enjoy your 20's with much more confidence rather than self consciousness.

I love your photoshop efforts, I'd say it looks pretty similar to what you would end up looking like.

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:32 pm
by braceface418
I would HIGHLY recommend getting braces now, rather than waiting a few more years. You're rapidly approaching the age where your treatment options become limited since your jaw stops growing (usually around age 23). You mentioned you have a narrow arch and an overjet, both of which can probably be treated with appliances at your age, rather than extractions or surgery. Plus, the longer you wait, the more your teeth will drift out of place.

Teeth tend to fall in line pretty quickly -- most of the time will be spent correcting your bite, so you'll look like one of those ads for braces most of the time anyway. You know, the people who have straight teeth but are wearing braces for some odd reason.

I wanted braces for years as well, but had to wait until I was financially stable since my parents didn't have the money to cover the cost. If yours do, even better.

By the way, I had what you might consider an 'advanced' version of your teeth. The lowers bunched up in the front and pushed the upper front teeth out and over. Day I got braces (plus two weeks after extractions):

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:10 am
by JavaChip
Thank you all for replying. :)
Just imagine, if you got braces now you'd probably have them off by your senior year.
Yeah, this would certanly be very very nice. I always worried that having my bad teeth might affect me negatively when looking for a job after school, because well, with more and more people getting braces nowadays, it'd look like I didn't care enough about my image to get my teeth fixed...
I can totally relate... i've cancelled two consults already!
At least you've booked a consult! Try not to cancel the next one. :wink: I'll try to work up the courage to call the ortho I found nearby, though I think I will need to see a dentist first.
How did you do the photoshop thig? My nose is pierced too :)
Hehe, I looked through Google images for a decent picture of braces, then I picked a bracket and just cut and pasted and modified it for each tooth, and then the wires... took maybe 10-15 min. And yay, nose piercings are awesome! :D
You're young and if you get them now you'll enjoy your 20's with much more confidence rather than self consciousness.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to this, which is why I really want to do it now. I've already put it off for years and well, there isn't going to be a "better time" later! Hehe, and thank you for the compliment about the Photoshop!
Plus, the longer you wait, the more your teeth will drift out of place.
Yeah, I'm worried about this too, and it's another reason I don't want to put this off any longer. Thank you for the link by the way! I love seeing progress pictures, it's really amazing.

Thank you all for the replies/advice/encouragement. :) I have another question: I haven't seen a dentist in... 3 years I think. :oops: I know I should really make an appointment, but would it be better to hold off the ortho consult until I've got that done or could I maybe do both at the same time? Thanks!

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:31 am
by evilnel
JavaChip, I'm jumping on the 'do it!' boat. I'm 23 and I didn't get braces until last year. I have wanted them since I was a teenager but never had the courage. There were even other college students around with braces when I was an undergrad (feels like a long time ago now!), so it would have been even less of a deal than it is now. I regret waiting because I could now be confidently showing my smile rather than sporting a mouth full of hardware, and could have been for the last few years! Take it from those of us who didn't have the courage to get the ball rolling. It's totally worth it, and it's worth doing NOW, not waiting until some unknown future date. It's easy for 'a few months' to turn into 'a few years' or even a few decades.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:10 am
by Bekah
Go for it! You won't regret it!

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:31 pm
by fosterp
make sure you get at least two consults, and a third if you feel the first two don't really agree on the treatment plan

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:31 pm
by treelessbark
I got my braces when i was 21, and was soo stoked. I've wanted to get braces since i could tell my teeth were messed up but my dad kept putting it off.

I am so very happy now that i got them. I have so much more confidence. At this point though i am just sooo ready to get them off, but i know i have about half a year left or so til my teeth are done, and i want them to look nice, and to hit the right spots so my teeth won't wear in the wrong places. Definately, if you can get them, do it. It's just not a look thing but a general oral health thing. :D


Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:02 pm
by jambo532
Do it... I just got mine on a week ago and they are not that bad. I actually feel better smiling with the braces on than I did before I got them. I think it's a hard decision to make but it's definitely worth it.
Check out my story


Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:32 pm
by evilnel
jambo532 wrote:Do it... I just got mine on a week ago and they are not that bad. I actually feel better smiling with the braces on than I did before I got them. I think it's a hard decision to make but it's definitely worth it.
I feel this way too. I've smiled in pictures for the first time, like, ever recently!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:32 pm
by jz5311
I say go for it. I understand how hard it is to make the decision. I just got my braces and I just turned 30 years old. I think I was more concerned on how I would look like at work and the fact that I already look young for my age. Now i kind of really don't care. And most people don't even really notice them on me. So I say go for it.

Oh, and your photoshop pictures were pretty good. I would say that is pretty accurate on how they may look. I also decided to get the metal ones.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:40 pm
by Quietartist
Hey Java, welcome to the board. :) I completely agree with everyone that has already posted, you should totally go for it. I'm 21 and has had braces for about 4 months now. I work full-time, in a printing company (so basically all guys), after the first few days things went back to normal. From my own experience, the only scary parts were getting the braces put on and the first adjustment. I think my first adjustment appointment was probably 10-15 minutes long. If you haven't had the braces put on yet, at the appointment(if you have it) the assistant suggested I bring some music along for my appointment. So I guess I pass on that suggestion to you, it helped to be somewhat relaxing and to pass the time.