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First hour with braces! Need advice~

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:16 am
by veevianz
I just got back from the clinic. I'm partially braced now but...i find it weird when my ortho braced partial of my teeth. I was asked to come back the next month for adjustments and tooth filling. I'm glad it didnt hurt that much but it feels a bit tight and i'm not very confortable with brackets underneath my lips. weird. My ortho only gave me a normal oral B toothbrush and also an interdental kit plus a mouthrinse. That is all. I wonder what else do i have to know. I didn't question much as i dont know what i should know and what to ask. Now with ceramics upper and lower...need some advice~

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:03 am
by Steph in Sac
Congratulations and welcome to the club! There really isn't too much to know. Brush and floss a lot. You will be sore for a few days. You can use wax against your braces if they rub your cheeks too much. Best of luck getting settled! I am on day 6 and am getting more and more used to them.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:30 am
by appygirl82
Days 2 and 3 will be the worst....after that you should be in less pain each day. Use wax when needed to allow your cheeks to heal from sores. And as far as eating, I have found that if you "baby" your teeth to much they will stay sore for alot longer. I tried not to be on the total soft diet any more than a few first days. I started eating more normal things as I could, it hurts a bit but it will pay off in the long run. My teeth have gotten less sore each day!

Good luck! 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:55 pm
by MrMetalMouth1029
appygirl82 wrote:And as far as eating, I have found that if you "baby" your teeth to much they will stay sore for alot longer. I tried not to be on the total soft diet any more than a few first days. I started eating more normal things as I could, it hurts a bit but it will pay off in the long run. My teeth have gotten less sore each day!

Good luck! 8)
This is one of the best points I've read in this forum since I joined. She is right--no pain no gain...but that doesn't mean you can go eat candy apples or anything that will cost you an arm and a leg (and maybe a tooth in the process, lol). After a few days, try to bite into harder stuff...maybe french fries or a chip or something like that. It won't feel pleasant, but your teeth have to adjust to their new best friends and it seems that the pain goes away faster if you put a little effort into it. Besides that, brush and floss daily and stay away from candy canes :) Welcome!

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:15 am
by nuttynat
for the first day or so, I thought "this braces thing doesn't hurt as much as people say it does" then around day 3 my mouth started getting sore. I thought I was going to get through without having to use the wax... but don't act tough, use the wax.
In fact, it's now been 1 month 9 days and some of my brackets are starting to irritate my mouth again. (i'm quietly hoping it is because teeth have moved and are touching a new part of my lip/mouth)

day 12

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:44 pm
by jambo532
I'm on day 12 and I have to say the adjustment to brace face wasn't that bad at all. I have tops and bottoms. The first day was fine just felt weird in my mouth... like my mouth was huge or something. The next couple days felt like I got kicked in the teeth whenever my advil wore off. But now I hardly even notice I have them. Except for when I eat cause I get so much junk in them... don't know if I will ever get used to that haha. So congrats!!! I have a blog too so check it out.

Bite plate problems!

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:52 pm
by eggyc
I got my braces on 3 days ago (just on bottom teeth)- experiencing some pain but the biggest problem Im having is with the obtrusive bite plate on the roof of my mouth! I can't speak clearly at all and as a teacher this is proving to be a serious problem! I'm really hoping this improves asap! Eating is so awkward but I can see from reading people's posts that this should become easier! Fingers crossed!

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:34 pm
by veevianz
This is one of the best points I've read in this forum since I joined. She is right--no pain no gain...but that doesn't mean you can go eat candy apples or anything that will cost you an arm and a leg (and maybe a tooth in the process, lol). After a few days, try to bite into harder stuff...maybe french fries or a chip or something like that. It won't feel pleasant, but your teeth have to adjust to their new best friends and it seems that the pain goes away faster if you put a little effort into it. Besides that, brush and floss daily and stay away from candy canes :) Welcome![/quote]

True enough! I had noodles and chicken wings yesterday(third day). Had to eat slowly. My friends said i look weird eating with my braces as i bite differently. I had rice today and will be getting some pastas for lunch! I hope my adjustment next month won't be that painful...!