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panic attack getting braces!

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:48 pm
by gavinfilan
I'm 27 and decided to finally fix my teeth. I've never had any fear of the dentist but a couple years ago I had a REALLY REALLY traumatic upper GI endoscopy. So today I went to get the braces on...feeling fine...until the ortho put those lip things on and the tongue holder.
INSTANT panic attack. I couldn't breathe, I thought I was choking, I thought I was about to die. I sat up and ripped the stuff out of my mouth. We tried a few more times but I simply could not do it.
I made an appointment for next week but I have no idea how I'm going to make it through. Ortho suggested bringing an ipod to listen to...and my parents suggested vick's vaporub around my nose to make me more confident in my breathing. But I'm still quite nervous.
I think the main issue might be having to lie down completely horizontal the whole time. It makes me feel completely out of control.
Any suggestions for how to handle this?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:08 pm
by ashesgap
I would think taking a dose of Advil PM before your visit would be great for two things. 1. the pain. and 2. make you sleepy and very relaxed. As long as some one is taking you there and picking you up.
Other wise your option is to go to your doc and get a xanax prescription, or something like that.
Also, reminding yourself exactly what the ortho is going to do, and what they aren't going to do. Think about what you're afraid of, and then let yourself know that that stuff is not going to happen.
I really hope you have better luck next time around.

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:49 am
by cathykay
Aww! I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a difficult time at your appointment. Panic attacks are awful and I can relate to hating the feeling of not being in control in certain situations.

I think Ashesgap of taking a Tylenol PM beforehand is a good one. I took Tylenol PM for my first couple of nights in braces but was also told that it would be a good idea to take a painkiller before my appointment. I ended up taking two Advil's before getting my braces on (and still do that before adjustments) but the Tylenol PM will help relax you, which is what you want.

Definitely bring your iPod if you think that can help take your mind off things. Make a playlist of songs that you like and listen to that while your orthodontist puts your braces on. I hated the feeling of having my mouth open for so long and that spit-sucking-tongue-holder-thing isn't pleasant but I kept reminding myself that if so many others could get braces on, I could too. It may be a little uncomfortable for awhile but afterwards, your braces are on and you're on your way to finally fixing your teeth! Keep your mind focused on the prize -- a beautiful smile, on the way.

I hope that the next appointment goes better for you!

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:02 am
by drrick
Some Valium, xanax or similar might help for the appt.

Similar meds ar given to phobic dental pts so should be no different for braces.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:07 am
by camdog
I sometimes get panic attacks and nearly did at the ortho but was ok. The way to deal with it is to just not make a big deal out of it, if you feel yourself starting to think about panicing, change your thoughts IMMIDIATELY without even considring anything.

It's the best way to handle it, nowaday I rarely get them from doing just this.

Everytime you think of panicking your reminding yourself that you do this, the more you stop reminding yourself the less your mind brings it back up again in these situations.

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:48 am
by appygirl82
I am a person who deals with anxiety/panic attack disorder. Like a few others have said, I would recommend for you to ask for a one time prescription of valuim or xanax. I did not use these for my ortho appt (getting braces on) however a few days before my brace day, I had to have one last appt with my dentist to finish all my fillings....the appt was very long and that makes my anxiety sky rocket. I simply called the office and explained that the super long duration of sitting in the chair with my mouth held open would simply just be to much.

My dentist called in a prescription for valuim and I took one the night before and also the morning of the appt. It will make you very relaxed and at ease. It really will help you! I would also suggest listening to your ipod, I did that also. Also putting the braces on the top is the worst, it is by far the most uncomfortable. The thing in your mouth is extremely annoying and was also digging into my gums. That part will be the hardest. The bottom teeth is much easier!

I wish you good luck....I definately feel your me!

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:08 pm
by nomad629
I also had a difficult time with the cheek retractors and laying down when getting my braces put on. I went so far as to ask to have them sit me up during the times when they were not actually working on my teeth. I remember there being some "free" time between tooth prep and the Ortho placing the brackets. Also focus on relaxation breathing through your nose. Couple that with some Ipod music you find calming and those few minutes will go by fast. There have been several good posts that should help get you past bracing day. I wish you the best at your next appointment because the payoff is so worth it!

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:53 pm
by gavinfilan
thanks for all the great suggestions everyone! i made an appointment with my gp for a one time prescription for anti-anxiety meds. i'll ask him if i can combine them with an over the counter decongestant to make sure all the passages are clear. also, nomad629...a great idea asking to sit up during any breaks in activity...i'll be sure to ask about that.
i'll update after the next bracing day attempt...hoping to report some success!

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:11 am
by Steph in Sac
Best of luck to you, gavinfilan!! You can do this!! I look forward to reading your post after you've made it through with flying colors.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:48 pm
by lynley
I was braced on 2/410 and wasn't sure ahead of time that I'd make it through without having a panic attack. I debated asking for a xanax or something ahead of time but ended up not doing it.

I took 2 aleve about an hour before the appt so I wasn't really in any pain all day. During my appt. I listened to an iPod and I focussed on counting my breath - both of which gave me something to focus on rather than what was going on in my mouth.
I also found once I 'relaxed' a little, I could move my tongue more than I thought I could which helped towards the end of the appt.

All in all it was nowhere near as bad as I imagined it would be.

Good luck.


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:28 pm
by starzz
I remember the thing I hated the most was the cheek retractor.

I find deep breathing helps me relax.

I get anxious if I don't know what's going on or what to expect. I think part of the anxiety can come for feeling not in control. So I prefer if the assistant and the ortho can tell me what they're doing at each step and what to expect. Then there's no surprises and I learn something and get a sense of how the process is progressing. Also if you can arrange in advance a way to communicate with them and let them know if something hurts; some things can be repositioned, like the thing that sucks water but tends to poke sometimes.

You can do it!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:44 pm
by gavinfilan
hi everyone! so today i had my second attempt at getting braced. i went to the appointment with 10mg of valium in me, nasal spray and an expectorant. unfortunately my panic turned out to be stronger than the drugs. as soon as the tongue shield went on it happened all over again..but worse. it was a blur..but i know i was hyperventilating like crazy..i really can't remember what happened next but i at some point they took everything out of my mouth and sat me up.
at this point i think the team realized this wasn't going to happen unless some changes were made. so when i was somewhat recovered we tried again...without the tongue shield and with the chair at more of an angle and a small towel under my head. i'm not sure how they worked around not having the shield, but i think she said it would just take a little longer than normal. anyway, these changes made all the difference and i made it through the rest of the procedure with no problems.
also, i was so impressed with how the staff handled me...they worked the schedule out so that i was the only patient in the office which i thought was a thoughtful touch (although maybe it was to keep me from scaring the other patients..).

anyway, thanks everyone for all the thoughtful advice. i really appreciated the help.

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:44 pm
by starzz
Congrats on getting braced! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

and thanks for reporting back :tingrin:

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:48 am
by LaLaLa
Great job!

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:01 pm
by sauerkraut
Well done, you! And congratz :jump:

Just wondering, though: what's a tongue shield? I've had all manner of things done to me, but I don't think they've ever used one of those on me...