Bathroom Dentistry

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Steph in Sac
Posts: 160
Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:18 pm

Bathroom Dentistry

#1 Post by Steph in Sac »

So, I had a ligature slip off last night. I tried to slip it back on and then it fell off. After several attempts, I finally got it back on with tweazers. It looks OK, but I can't tell if the wire is exactly in place. This tooth is farther back than the others, so I don't know if it ever sat in place. I assume I should call the ortho today and have them take a look at it...huh?

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#2 Post by TumbleDryLow »

I've also done bathroom orthodontics. I'd always fess up when I saw the doctor next. Her response: Good job!
If you think it looks OK, it probably is. If the tooth is sitting far back then my guess is no, the wire is probably not in the slot very well hence the lig coming off. It may come off on you again. You may want to call in and ask to have a wire tie put on that tooth.

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