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How long before I can.......

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:54 am
by Lisablueeyes1
Well I was braced on the 12th!!! Yay me....
Well here is the problem. I Can't eat very much, not that I have pain, But chewing is a nightmare and nothing taste the same!!!! uggggg...
Is anyone else going trough this as well??
I have Cermaic tops and bottoms.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:07 am
by Steph in Sac
I can totally relate!! I got lower clear (ICE braces) put on the 11th and, though it doesn't hurt to eat, I don't like to. I stick mostly to soups, etc. Everytime I try something I have to chew, I don't like how it feels. I hate having food stuck in my braces--it feels weird. After the first bite I get disappointed at the chaos in my mouth. Hopefully, I will lose the 10 lbs I am aiming to lose. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:57 pm
by lynley
I got braced 2/4/10 and am just now getting to the point that I can kind of chew without pain. I also had the weird flavor thing along with sensitive teeth, but that only last the first 5-6 days.

I've eaten a lot of mac-&-cheese and rice-&-beans this month because I can swallow them mostly whole. I've also eaten more mashed and baked potatoes than I have in awhile. And, for the first time in my life, I actually prefer eating with a plastic spoon or fork because the metal seems to jar my front teeth too much.

I'm looking forward to the point when I don't really notice the braces anymore!


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:37 pm
by Lisablueeyes1
Omg!to think this may last over a month!!!!! Will I ever be able to chew with out looking like a fool!!!!! I think I can only use so much wax, it gets stuck every were..... In between the brackets, the spaces that I have...... Shall I say more. Lol but It does make eating a little better. Uggggg anothe 18 To 24 months..... ;-)