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First Adjustment Next Week

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:55 am
by Pattyb
Hi Everyone,

I have my first adjustment next Tuesday and was wondering about how long it will take.

Also, do you think I'll be okay to go straight back to work afterward, or should I tell the boss I'm taking the afternoon off?

Thanks for all you help!


Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:18 am
by tasha89
I got my first adjustment yesterday it took about 30-40 minutes. You don't really feel much pain till the following day. So if anything I would suggest going back to work after the adjustment and perhaps taking the following day off. Stack up on some tylenols for the week!

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:39 am
by b
everyone is different when it comes to pain. For me, I have never had to stay home from work after adjustments. I found that it was most painful when I first got the braces on, but after each adjustment, it just feels tighter, and its nothing I tylenol cant fix. You may need to have softer foods for lunch, but I wouldnt get worked up about the pain after the adjustment, its not as bad as you expect it to be.