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Wisdom teeth...

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:03 pm
by BracketRacket
So what's your story? Are all of them present and accounted for? Had them taken out years ago...or when you began ortho treatment? Did anyone have removal coupled with another procedure? Just curious if there's any general trends, they've been on my mind a bit lately :oops:

Personally, I'd never given my wisdom teeth much thought until I started looking into ortho treatment. Turns out I have my 2 impacted on top, and none on the bottom (my OS said I'm more evolved than most! :lol: ) My ortho initially said they should cause no interference with treatment and suggested leaving them alone...but I need SARPE and my OS said I should have them taken out during the procedure...he said they could interfere with the surgery, and that's it's worth having them removed since I'm going to be under general anesthesia anyway. Last I heard, he's going to consult with the ortho and then we'll decide. I'm just concerned that the additional work could make swelling and recovery from SARPE harder.

Posted an x-ray of my lovely wisdoms here if anyone's interested :lol: :oops: :lol: viewtopic.php?t=34508

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:05 am
by camdog
My lower wisdom teeth are at a right angle!! I was shocked when I seen the x-ray.

However... no problems yet, had one day where it was really apinfull but upto this date, before and during braces no problems.

Lets hope it stays that way!!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:15 pm
by blindboarder2008
I didn't have very much trouble with wisdom till i got my braces on. It makes sense though cause when the braces go on the teeth start moving so it pushes against them more which causes discomfort. It turns out I had 2 impacted wisdoms and the other two were at danger of becoming inpacted if they weren't taken out soon. Had my braces on when I got my wisdoms out. Got braces March and then had them removed in June of 2008. My ortho and surgeon both suggested to get them out prior to my jaw surgery so they wouldn't be in the way and we wouldn't have to worry about that part of the recovery. So happy I chose that way to go!

3 of them

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:00 pm
by jambo532
I had three wisdom teeth. the two on top were a piece of cake. the bottom left was impacted to yeah. Had them all removed about 4 months ago. I didn't get put under because I was to cheap to pay the extra 300. It went fine. I was swollen for a week but went back to work 2 days later. About a month after extraction my impacted area got absess. Os said it happens... so he opened her up and fixed it. Now I'm all good. no other problems.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:06 pm
by BracketRacket
blindboarder2008 wrote:It turns out I had 2 impacted wisdoms and the other two were at danger of becoming inpacted if they weren't taken out soon.
Pardon the silly question, but what exactly constitutes impacted? I thought it was just if it hadn't erupted, but is there a difference that makes it specifically impacted?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:00 pm
by felicia
If a tooth fails to emerge, or emerges only partially, it is considered to be impacted. An impacted tooth remains stuck in gum tissue or bone for various reasons, for example, the jaw may be too small to fit the wisdom teeth. Teeth may also become twisted, tilted, or displaced as they try to emerge, resulting in impacted teeth.
My dentist suggested me to have all my wisdom teeth removed before I started braces, which I did.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:05 pm
by starzz
All 4 were impacted, they were sitting sideways in the jawbone with crown of tooth forwards. I had them out when I was 18 under general anesthesia because they might cause problems later and there was no room for them. The OS said if not removed they could grow into the root of my second molars and wear away at the root and ultimately cause cavities there. He also said it was best to remove them before their roots were fully developed because they could become long and gnarly and twisted and be more difficult to remove.

I think impacted just means not erupted, but for wisdoms it can often mean sideways and never going to erupt.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:08 am
by Steph in Sac
I don't have any wisdom teeth on the bottom. I had one on top erupt and it was growing slanted toward my cheeck. I had it pulled about 5 years ago (age 32) very quickly with just novicaine. I have one remaining. It is impacted and not bothering anything, so I left it there.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:18 am
I was getting chronic ear infections from age 14-16 or so, so they figured it may be cause by my wisdom teeth. They did x-rays and all 4 were impacted so they removed them. That didn't stop the ear infections though, so then they put tubes in my ears which did work, and they have long since fallen out but i haven't had any ear issues since.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 4:26 pm
by lealicious
Weirdly enough, I never had any troubles with my wisdom teeth. I had all 4 by the time I was 17 or 18. They all grew in normal despite the crowding I have in my mouth. And from what I remember, they never caused me any pain or anything! It just felt like how a loose tooth would feel, and how you would wiggle it. The only bad thing about them was they made my other teeth even more crooked.

In preparation for my braces I only got the top wisdoms pulled out. I didn't need to be be put to sleep for that, it was a normal extraction in the dentist's chair. And when they were pulled they came out in like 10 seconds and weren't sore afterwards at all. I also had my lower 2nd premolars out, and they hurt for a few days after. So I mentally prepared myself for wisdom extractions, and to my surprise it was the darn premolars that gave me trouble. I kept my teeth for memories, and the roots are huge! The dentist said I have such big teeth for such a little jaw... no wonder my teeth are crooked and crowded. So yeah, that's my story! Haha 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:33 pm
by ChristyD
I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth. They grew in normally in my early 20's. They were a little sore, but caused no major pain. I believe they are the reason for my crowded teeth though, and I really would prefer not to have them. Flossing and even brushing wayyyy back there is a pain. I see no purpose for them.

Can you have wisdom teeth pulled just because you want to?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:07 pm
by AaronD2010
I was braced on Nov 18th 2010, my ortho suggested that I get all four of my wisdoms taken out. 3 came in fine, 1 was impacted completely horizontal. Besides the fact that they had the possibility of decaying because I could barely brush or floss back there. I was up and aware when they pulled them out, took about 30 minutes.

Long story short, my braces results will be better and they are absolutely pointless teeth to have.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:42 pm
by avy
I still have all my wisdom teeth, and they all appeared without any problems when I was about 17. I've had SARPE and am in braces now and both my ortho and surgeon said there was no need to remove them which I was happy about. I didnt have much crowding (1 tooth really) so I have plenty of room in there to accomodate :D

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:41 am
by Ashes90
All four of mine are still intact. I have to have them out by Christmas this year but I'm really hoping I'll have them out before I enter my junior year of college/university.

Two of my wisdoms (bottom wisdoms) are both soft tissue impacted. The other two (top wisdoms) are bony impactions. All of them are completely sideways and hitting my second molars at very weird and slightly painful angles.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 4:23 am
by kilikena311
I had all 4 wisdom teeth, and they were erupted, but crammed so far back into my jaw joint area that the OS said if I didn't have them removed they would start eroding my actual lower jaw, possibly to the point where I could be eating an apple one day and break my jaw. So I had all 4 out. I actually fell asleep during the procedure because I didn't sleep at all the night before. :wink: