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Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:11 pm
by mara0167
So... I finally did it! After two hours at the orthodontist yesterday morning, I have my braces. A little about what they did...

First, they removed all of my spacers (I had 8). Thank god! They definitely have been the most annoying part of the process so far. Then they began to fit the bands. This was probably the most painful part of the whole procedure, as they had to try and fit the bands a couple of times to get the right size and sometimes it felt like they were digging into my gum. After the right sizes had been chosen, they were cemented in (note to all future brace-getters: the cement tastes TERRIBLE) and we started the braces procedure.

First, I had the big lip spreaders placed in. Definitely look worse than they feel... I found them pretty comfortable. They also placed this block for me to bite on and to stick my tongue in so it wouldn't get in the way. And then the ortho and one of the assistants (they worked together) applied this etching material to my teeth and then sprayed it off. They then seemed to put another type of glue on my teeth and then it was time for the braces.

Basically, using some kind of tweezers, they just applied the braces to my teeth from one end to the other, starting with the top. This doesn't hurt at all! I have the regular 3M metal brackets. After glueing all the front brackets on, they glued two brackets (called bite blocks) on the backs of my front teeth to keep me from biting off my lower braces.

Then, it was time to remove the lip spreaders and to feel my braces for the first time! My tongue was going crazy!!! It felt so weird... like my lips were sticking out 100 feet. Then the ortho started threading the wires through my brackets, and attaching the wires in place with colored bands. I have purple on top and pink on bottom. And then, after a little tutorial about how to clean, floss, eat, apply wax, etc., I was good to go.

How I'm Feeling:
Yesterday, besides the weird feeling, I wasn't in too much pain. Today is a different story. My lips are cut up by the brackets and the hooks and my tongue is being cut by these tubes on the inside of my molar bands as well as my bite blocks. Also, I find that I can barely eat anything because only my front two teeth touch. Right now, I don't have much of an appetite but I can imagine this getting very old very quickly. Hopefully I will adapt soon!

I go back to the ortho in a month to get spacers again. I will be getting an upper T-Rex expander. Does anyone have any experience with these?

Here are some pre-braces pics for you all to have a look at. My camera broke down earlier this week, so I've started saving up for a new one and can hopefully get one soon.

Here's hoping for a new and beautiful smile and bite!

1 month for me

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:04 pm
by jambo532
congrats!! I've had mine on a month now. I would say I've adjusted well. I go back next month for spacers on top and a week later for bands. I'm not looking forward to spacer tho... everyone says they suck. Do they hurt or are they just annoying? Anyways congrats and enjoy the changes you will begin to see. It happens faster than you think.

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:03 am
by sunsmile
I have been braced for half a year ago and I shared the same experience like yours when I was getting my braces on. My lip was cut and I could hardly chew any food by my teeth. However, you will get used to it and eat as usual very soon.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:29 am
by Witchypoo777
Well done for taking the plunge!

I've been braced for 12 weeks and I too struggled for the first few weeks, especially as it was Christmas and New Year! Ulcers the size of coins, couldn't eat, felt grumpy as hell. But it all settled down quickly. Ortho wax will be your new best friend (I got through packets of the stuff at first) and now I kind of like it when I have an adjustment which leaves me with slight tooth ache as it means my teeth are MOVING :D