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Brackets or bands

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:18 pm
by Boohill
I’m getting a permanent crown put on my bottom last molar (bottom right) today. At my last adjustment my ortho tried to put in spacers so she could fit molar bands but she said the filling in my tooth (on the left bottom) was too big and she couldn’t get the spacers in. She said she would use molar brackets after I got my crown. I want to know how long it takes for a crown to be ready to have appliances attached to them? Some posts here on AW say that you can’t and some say you can put brackets on crowns. Will molar bands be better or can you have brackets attached to crowns without a problem? And what about the filling in my other molar? Will I have to have it replaced since she said it was too big? I’m seeing the dentist today and I want to know what I can suggest about the large filling because I feel I am slowing my progress being that my ortho is ready to attach the back teeth now. (they are not bracketed or banded now).

Any answers will be appreciated. Thanks

Sorry I posted this in the bracket club but I meant for it to be here.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:25 pm
by DrBlur
I didn't know they even put brackets on molars, figured they were too far back. I'm getting bands on my molars, which happen to be where my 3 fillings are anyway (plus I'm getting an expander)...

I'd be interested in hearing from others as well about this!

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:07 pm
by 40WithBraces
I am fully bracketed all the way back, no bands at all... at least on the top teeth anyways... we'll see what happens in May when I get the braces on my bottom teeth.

Re: Brackets or bands

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:50 pm
by GHW48
I have bands on my upper back six molars and I think only one of those six is not a crown. I was told that the bands made it easier to eat (in the long run) when everything starts moving around, also was told that adhesive brackets are more likely to come off, harder to get those back teeth dry etc.

When they start on my bottom teeth I'll get another six bands there too.

I would have assumed that if you needed something done to the filling, the ortho would have given instructions for you to give your dentist, you might want to ask for clarification, and don't be afraid to ask about the bands vs brackets thing either as they are more qualified than anyone as to your situation.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:58 am
by spinme
I have brackets on my molars, no bands, and have to permanently use wax there as they poke so much. :( I only have my top teeth braced so far, lower teeth will be braced mid April so not sure whether they'll have bands or will be the same as the top.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:10 pm
by fosterp
i have brackets on all teeth, none have caused problems yet, but only had braces for about a week. They are bracketed but no wires running through yet.

Two of the molars have crowns, and one of them also has filling material where they bracketed it. They used some pretty nasty smelling stuff when they bonded those teeth. I also have a steel crown on one molar and they drilled through the crown on the side in one spot to get tooth material to bond to.