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Weak and Tired

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:18 am
by claire20089
i got my brace on two weeks ago and have had trouble eating. I just couldn't chew anything at all as my teeth seemed to be too far apart. I fainted last Tuesday and have been feeling dizzy and very weak since. I went to the Orthodontic clinic yesterday and they said there was a bit too much glue on the back molars and filed some off.

I went to the doctors yesterday as well to check with them why i was feeling soo poorly and they said it was certainly due to not eating properly and losing too much weight so quickly. As i can chew now i have been eating much more yesterday and today but still feel so weak and lethargic.

Just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything like this ? The doctor said if i don't feel better in a couple of days i have to go back for some blood tests.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:42 am
by rolo
Try getting some fruit smooties for vitamins and some of those very calorific deserts in pots for calories, I think the rolo ones has something like 350 calories in a tiny pot. Good luck

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:50 am
by ashesgap
My husband just found me these great things in the freezer section. Its a bag with frozen strawberries and bananas with frozen yogurt chips. You add the bag and a cup of milk in the blender, and got yourself a yummy, healthy smoothie. I'm actually waiting to see if they have more flavors.
Also, canned fruit and veggies are very soft, you should get some of that too.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:30 pm
by classII
You may want to also check if you're perhaps mildly alergic to latex (the ligs) and/or nickel (the wires) if it continues after eating properly.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:16 pm
by braceface418
I have had molar build-ups of varying height for the past 18 months, so I understand the annoyance/hassle they can pose. May I add to the list:

- Scrambled eggs (with some sharp cheddar cheese or chili pepper to mix things up). Eggs are still a great standby dinner if your teeth are sore, especially if you soften some vegetables first and make an omlette.
- rice pudding or tapioca
- protein smoothies (good ones can be found in the produce area of your local supermarket)
- mashed potatoes
- ice cream
- easy mac (the noodles are so soft that you can mush them up with your tongue if you need to. They're so small that you can also just swallow them whole)
- bananas (mash em if you want)
- apple sauce

There's really no good reason that you should be eating so little that you're fainting. It's not the most exciting diet, but it'll keep enough in you while you adjust to get you through the day.

One thing I did notice was that I would sometimes get some stomach discomfort and ah, other GI upset when I didn't chew my food enough, but that's probably to be expected. This is why your mom always tells you to chew your food! :)

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:06 am
by fluffybottom
They're expensive but buying Ensure shakes to supplement what your eating is a good idea. They have calories and vitamins that you desperately need. It can't be all you take in though; definitely just a supplement.

I've been through molar build ups, painful teeth and tooth exposure surgery so I know what it is like to feel like you can't chew anything. But I can tell you, as much as it sucks now, it does get better. Scrambled eggs (throw some cheese in when cooking for some extra protein), mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, pb & j sandwiches (torn or cut into small pieces), pudding, yogurt and flaky fish are your friends. Anything that you can mash against the roof of your mouth if you can't chew is good. Also make sure you are drinking enough; dehydration might be playing a part in all this as well.

And let me just say: stay away from spaghetti. I made the mistake of ordering spaghetti in a restaurant when I had pretty big build ups on my molars because I thought 'Hey, pasta. I can do pasta!' Except I couldn't chew the strands into small enough pieces and it was like having a string hanging down my throat. Haha.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:10 pm
by yj207
Well you know you're not eating enough, I kind of went through the same thing with stress/work/school/home/etc and lost like 20lbs. One of my great comforts was peanut butter smoothies. Just blend some vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt, milk, and peanut butter into a blender. Very delicious! You can add some malt if you like malt shakes. I am starting to eat again but I liked it better being skinny, but its just not a way to live you know? Starving that is and I was very tired and unhappy all the time. Hope you get it figured out!