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Shaping teeth???
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 6:39 am
by Capsfan
I have a question I was hoping someone could answer. I have been braced for about 5 months now (time is flying by and so happy I took the leap!!!) anyway, what I am wondering has to do with one of my incisors. The one on the right is significantly longer then the on on the left. Because of the way my teeth were before I think the one on the right wasn't ever used but now the braces have already started to pull it down and I can tell it is going to be longer then the one on the left which has been worn down by 30 years of use. What can they do to fix this? Will it be my Ortho fixing this at the end of my treatment or will I have to go to my dentist to get this corrected? Hope this makes sense. Also, how do they fix it? Do they just file that tooth down or something?
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:04 am
by drrick
How I approach this is to look at the gum levels. I want even gum levels at the proper ht. Many times this involves intruding the smaller tooth to even the gum levels to then allow for the addition of restorative material. This allows the teeth to be very symettrical (and thus more attractive) when they are done.
If it is a minor discrepancy or you show no gum at all when you smile the plan may change but to make it look the best I do it as described above.
The restorative part is done by your dentist.
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:01 pm
by felicia
I feel that I have a similar situation. One of my upper front teeth was visibly longer that the other one. Somehow the way my bite was before, made me use only one of them, so it became shorter. It was quite visible.
When I got my braces fitted the doctor told the assistant to place one bracket higher than others, it was the one on that short front tooth. The first progress I noticed while in braces was that in about a week my short tooth became a tiny bit longer than the other one. I figure that somewhere along the treatment they will do some reshaping on the corners of that one tooth that was shorter, that will make it look exactly like it's brother.