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Front Teeth Still Useless After 2 Years in Braces

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 7:26 pm
by Smiles77
Has anyone else here been unable to bite into anything with their front teeth after getting braces put on? I am 33 and my first 6 months I could not even bite into a hard boiled egg with my front teeth. 2 years later, a hard boiled egg is all I can bite into with my front teeth. I also still can't chew "thicker" things like chicken breasts, any sort of beef, lamb, el dente pasta, etc., unless they are extremely tender.

If there is anyone else here who has had this problem and now no longer has braces, do you still have issues with biting into things with your front teeth? This is my biggest fear. I just want to be able to bite into a sandwich again, or chew pizza again, etc.

I've also had to get a root canal on one of my front teeth due to the braces.

I was supposed to have my braces off between now and 2 months from now. Although I have done everything the orthodontist has said to do, they may not come off until Nov. or Dec... who knows, the date keeps getting farther away.

I know in the end it will all be worth it, but I just have a fear of still not being able to use my front teeth after braces.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 6:54 pm
by njsuburban
Have you talked to your Ortho about this? I was having the same problem, my front teeth were recessed and had to be yanked forward quite a bit, so at my first adjustment he saw that they were a bit looser than he would like. So, at my next appt, he took an Xray of my front teeth to be sure there was no root shortening (I forget the medical term). There wasn't, but my front teeth still hurt when I try to bite into softer foods (haven't tried hard). Got mine on 2/10.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:28 pm
by Smiles77
Yes, my ortho is aware of my continuous problem and does take xrays every so often... all looks okay. but my next visit i am going to let her know about my concern of could it last long after my braces are off or even be permanent.