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worried about lack of pain

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:15 am
by psych braces
I know how bizarre this must sound to most of you but I have no pain after 24 hours in braces. Yesterday I was completely wired top and bottom with metal braces and so far no pain. I have read so many pain stories (one just now, from another person wired yesterday morning) so I was completely prepared with all the medicines but none have been necessary. I know that everybody is different but I'm worried that perhaps the wires are not tight/strong enough and that I will not benefit from any movement. Has this been anyones experience?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:03 pm
by berry
I didn't get any pain either. I expected lots of pain, everyone told me I would need lots of painkillers but I didn't! I do kind of worry about the same thing actually... but I'm sure that it's normal. I do only have a 'pressure' when I bite into things, although thats gone now almost.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:26 pm
by KatieGee
I got braced this morning and was told that I would not feel any pain immediately but that I could expect to feel sore in about 2 hours for up to 7 days. It's approx 5 hours now since I've been braced (I know that's not very long!) but I have not felt any pain so far *fingers crossed*. I just feel as if my teeth are a little loose and when I bite down there is a feeling of pressure but it's not painful. I also worried about whether the braces were working. I keep staring at my teeth half-expecting to see them march around in my mouth. lol

Hope you continue to be pain free!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:33 pm
by Leyfy
To be honest I had no tooth pain (a dull ache which was manageable) but the little hooks on four of my brackets - wow, did they cause some pain!!! They caused some blisters and cutting, which didn't happen until about 48 hours after the brace was fitted.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:35 pm
by Snowglobe32
Oh don't worry folks, the painful times occur here and there throughout the entire process. There is plenty of discomfort to go around. :D

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:57 pm
by yoginbraces
I was just braced yesterday and felt exactly the same but then came today... :)

Today I feel much more overall soreness/discomfort and my teeth are beginning to feel loose in my mouth.

I wouldn't say I am in severe pain but definitely more than yesterday.

Unfortunately, I have a sensitive tooth that my ortho feels should be addressed by my dentist as he feels it is more dental related. I have an appt w/ the dentist tomorrow and am hoping he can figure out what is going on. Right now it is impossible to brush that tooth b/c of severe nerve pain.

Otherwise, the rest of my mouth feels good and I am doing my best to adjust to life in braces.

Good luck to us all!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:19 pm
by uvraise
Just as Snowglobe32 stated, your time will come! Sorry to say but the process is not pain free. when you experience your next pounding headache, you may need to look no further than your braces!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:22 pm
by pigonthego
give it time :lol:

Worried about lack of pain

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:49 pm
by MegP60+
Have been braced for just over two weeks, and also had no pain. I was worried that the braces were not working as I had read so much about the initial pain. One gap has started to close a little already, so the pain must not be necessary for the braces to work! Maybe the pain will come with the adjustments. Enjoy your pain free status, I am!

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:50 pm
by tsmurfenator
I had the same experience as Leyfy.
My teeth didn't really hurt, but my lips/cheeks did (or at least far overwhelmed any tooth pain). I got them put on in the winter when it was cold and dry, perhaps if you put them in the spring/summer there is less lip irritation. Now I don't have lip/cheek pain but my teeth sometimes hurt especially my secondary molars.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:41 pm
by Theresa48
Me either, no real pain....but those brackets were like a chainsaw inside of my mouth...thank goodness for that wax, no I use none and am totally used to it. Oh, and my teeth have moved quite a bit, so pain does not equal movement, in my case.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:18 pm
by Donna
Snowglobe32 wrote:Oh don't worry folks, the painful times occur here and there throughout the entire process. There is plenty of discomfort to go around. :D
Yes, this :D.

I didn't feel any pain when I first got braced either. The only time my teeth hurt is a day or so after an adjustment.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 3:17 am
by bracesrox
I to had no pain. Maybe a dull ache for my 1st day but I was eating semi-normally (smaller bites) the next day and still eating with no problems. I fear I'll have more problems with my lowers when they are attached.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 12:14 pm
by fosterp
I think everyone's response to the pressure on their teeth is a little different. I don't think the pain from braces is necessarily a result of your teeth trying to move but rather your body's response to the teeth trying to move.

Everyone's body responds differently.

Re: worried about lack of pain

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 4:29 pm
by brendap27
psych braces wrote:I know how bizarre this must sound to most of you but I have no pain after 24 hours in braces. Yesterday I was completely wired top and bottom with metal braces and so far no pain.
If it makes you feel any better, I didn't have pain when my braces were first put on. Eight weeks later I had my wire changed and still no pain. Eight weeks after that I got a new wire and lo and behold, there it was! I could hardly eat for a week and had a pounding headache for about two weeks.

Don't worry, it'll happen.