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Should I stop using wax?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:49 am
by KatieGee
I didn't really experience any chafing against my cheeks until yesterday. I used the wax provided by my orthodontist and it was SUCH a relief. I use it now even when I am eating (even though they say to remove it) because that is when the chafing is worst. However, I have read that the longer you wear braces, the more your cheeks adjust to the chafing as the skin starts forming calluses. Am I therefore preventing or slowing down the "callusing" process by wearing wax all the time? Should I try not to be dependent on the wax? I use it for bedtime as well.

Advice appreciated! Thanks!

Should I stop using wax?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 2:29 pm
by MegP60+
Following the advice in the forum, I tried not to use wax unless I absolutely had to, and it is true that some scar tissue builds up and that area becomes less sensitive. So far I have only used wax twice since getting my braces on and my mouth seems to be toughening up. However, both times I did use the wax it was great! Really helped for a few hours.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 3:44 pm
by Snowglobe32
I have had braces for almost 9 months now, I have to use wax a handful of times. Sometimes you just have to use wax. I have not noticed any difference in my cheeks, there is no callousing on the inside. I find that I may use wax for a day or two, then the irritation usually goes away on its own.
I have also used Benzodent. It is a great product that helps with sores and irritations. I bought it at Walmart and found it is easier to apply with a q-tip. I would try that and see if it works for you, especially at night.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:27 pm
by yoginbraces
Today is my 6th day in braces and for the first 4 days the inside of my cheeks and lips were always sore. I didn't really use the wax b/c I just hated the idea of it so I followed my ortho's advice (and the advice given here) and started doing a warm salt water rinse several times a day, and it has been like a miracle cure! My lips and cheeks have toughened up to the point I barely feel any irritation, and when I do it's because my mouth or lips are usually dry so I always have water with me and something to moisten my lips on hand at all times.

So my advice is try warm salt water rinses a few times a day and see how that works.

Good luck!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:32 pm
by yoginbraces
I should point out that one of my molar bands was positioned in a way that rubbed the underbelly of my tongue which was torture for me, so I went back to my ortho's office a few days ago and had them bend back the hooks until the hooks no longer made contact with my tongue.

I didn't feel relief immediately (b/c my tongue was so inflamed) but after about a day the adjustment made a difference and I've had no pain in the area since.

So if you feel any severe metal poking inside, don't hesitate to go to your ortho and have an adjustment made.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:50 pm
by loradora
Don't worry you won't become addicted to wax :wink: I've been biting a spot on my cheek, so I've been using wax until it heals.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:23 pm
by DrBlur
Apart from the first day I got my molar bands, I didn't use wax at all...I figured toughing it out to build up the scars in my mouth would help, and after a couple of weeks I was right...and I've never used wax since!

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:44 am
by KatieGee
Thanks for all the advice. I stopped using wax and it was actually fine. I think my cheeks felt particularly chafed that one day because I was out with friends and was talking a lot. I didn't use it at all yesterday and my cheeks felt alright.

Thanks again!

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:27 pm
by jambo532
I think you should keep wearing it until you are comfortable with your braces. Some people it takes longer than others. I don't think it will hurt anything you wearing it.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:21 am
by hal2me
Hi KatieGee!

There is no harm in using wax. I've had my braces for over a year and still need to use it from time to time. No sense in suffering if you do not have to. After some time, you will find you do not need it as much.

Best of luck to you!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:59 am
by cosmo
Your mouth heals the quickest. sometimes i will notice a bump forming on my gum so i put wax and by the end of the day the bump and pain is gone. I have left the wax on while eating too because that's when it hurts. I no longer use wax because my mouth has gotten use to them.

don't worry all in good time. i say use when it hurts the most at night or day but don't wear them 24/7. let your gums toughen up and keep with the salt water rising it helped me.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:53 am
by Takako
I've found that wearing it for a few days after getting chaffed is long enough to let those areas heal; then take off the wax and see how it goes. Usually I'm just fine.

I too had most of my problems with the hooks on the inside of my molar bands. I had to wear wax there for about a week, and then I was good. It flared up again a few months later so I did the same thing and it healed up again in even less time :)

I definitely kept the wax on during eating because THAT'S when I'd be in the most pain!! It didn't usually come off due to the location; but even if it does, it's just wax.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:41 pm
by Bellalalala
Your cheeks will still toughen up with having the wax there. They do not need to be damaged in order to callous, they will do so one their own with friction, even with the wax.

If the wax works for you, use it.

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 6:41 pm
by Kei
I find that I need wax whenever I have any kind of shift in my teeth. New spots start to rub and hurt. I use wax there for a day or two and it is fine until the next shift.

I don't see any reason to suffer needlessly though. If it hurts, do something about it.