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A question about brushing and flossing

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 4:21 pm
by yoginbraces
Today is my 6th day is braces and I am beginning to get the hang of it. Eating is getting easier and as a result I am back to my normal eating habits (eating 5 or more times a day).

For those of you who eat more than 3 meals a day, how do you handle brushing and flossing?

Do you brush and floss after each and every meal? Or do you have another method for your 'mini meals'?

Although I want to make sure I am meticulous about cleaning, I don't want to over do it, especially considering I'm already dealing with gum issues (I have an exposed root which is causing extreme tooth sensitivity).

Any and all feedback is much appreciated!

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:01 pm
I thoroughly brush in the morning and at night.
I floss every night.
Any time i eat in between cleanings i just use a combination of interdental brush and swishing water to get everything out.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:41 pm
by ashesgap
I have the RediBreeze, which is like the waterpik, and i use that through out the day after eating. I can eat anything and the water jet seems to get it all out of the brackets. I brush in the morning and floss and brush at night. If i drink a soda, i drink a water after, just to keep the sugars washed away.
I don't think brushing after every bite of food is a good idea, for anyone.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 5:44 pm
by loradora
I brush morning and night and use the interdental brush in between. I floss about every other day.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 6:53 pm
by yoginbraces
Thanks everyone for your replies! Reading your feedback is a huge relief.

I will brush only in the AM; use an interdental tool and brush mid day; and thoroughly brush and floss at night. And will rinse thoroughly after all meals/beverages.

I've purchased a waterpik but am afraid to use it b/c of my sensitive teeth/gums (my upper left molars). I hope the sensitivity eventually goes away but right now it is very difficult to brush in the area.

I appreciate reading all of your posts. It has really helped me over the last several days. :D

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:23 pm
by DrBlur
I floss at night, and I brush after each meal (morning, noon, night) and don't snack anymore so that I don't have to brush. I also stick to water between meals for this reason