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Little bit of pain here....

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 12:50 pm
by ashesgap
Two things...first, my bite is really weird right now, so last night i woke up to taking a freak'n bite of my tongue. That hurt so bad, i almost cried. Stupid husband didn't even wake up...hate deep sleepers.
Second thing..which is what i need help with. I have a lot of scratches and cuts in my mouth and the toothpaste is burning really bad. Its getting to the point that i don't even want to use it, but thats icky. So i'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Right now i use Crest ProHealth. Wouldn't mind changing if it helped.
Any ideas?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:48 pm
by yoginbraces
In case you haven't already tried it, start doing warm salt water rinses daily -- they really worked for me.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:34 am
by Tovin
Hopeflly there won't be a next time but if there is kick your husband (gently) and demand sympathy!

And definitely warm salt water rinses!! :)

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:37 am
by amy
I had similar issues. As my bite shifted I would bite my tongue and cheeks so much that I developed welts. It was pretty painful. Someone on the forum suggested oral b's canker sore mouthwash. It has a debriding agent in it which helps the sores heal. It tastes a little weird but makes things feel so much better almost immediately. I would definitely recommend it.

You can't really do much else until your bite shifts, which should happen quickly, and you no longer bite your mouth. Try falling asleep with your jaw relaxed and your mouth slightly open. That helped me to keep from clenching my teeth and biting myself.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:11 pm
by ashesgap
I have been doing the salt water a lot. It seems to be helping. I told my husband to find me the oral-b mouthwash the next time he goes to walmart. That seems like it would help, since the only time the toothpaste burns is when i have these scratched up spots.
Also, good idea on the light kick, i have warned him. :lol: