HELP please!!

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HELP please!!

#1 Post by yoginbraces »

After three weeks in braces I still have a few product-related questions. I'm not sure where to pose the question so I will post in the general forum as well as the product related forum so my apologies in advance for "double posting".

1. Which MOUTHWASH is best?

Right now I use ACT Total Care (blue icy mint) at night only. I was using Listerine after brushing during the day but stopped after reading the high alcohol content may damage gums. I switched to Crest Total Care only to learn that there is an ingredient that may coat the teeth turning them brown over time. This of course has caused me to stop using Crest.... So now I'm in search of another mouthwash to use during the day after brushing. I should also mention that I have ceramic braces on both top and bottom. Please help!!

2. Which FLOSS is best?

I'm using the Glide Threader Floss at the moment but I find I am going thru the box of 30 packets pretty quickly (since I'm afraid of spreading bacteria from tooth to tooth I use at least 3 packets each time I floss). I would like to find a good (and hopefully less expensive) alternative. Also, if anyone has any "proper flossing" tips to share so maybe I can avoid using so much that would also be helpful.

3. My last questions is...

After reading numerous suggestions about not brushing immediately after eating (to protect enamel) I have started to just rinse my mouth w/ water and use an interdental brush to remove major food particles from braces but I wait a bit before actually going thru the entire brushing/flossing routine. Is this adviseable? Also, is the interdental brush okay to use immediately after eating, or is this potentially causing damage to my enamel?

I am 45 y/o with borderline gum issues so I want to make sure I develop the best practice of brushing and flossing while I have braces (and even beyond). So I welcome and appreciate any and all suggestions.

Thanks very much.

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#2 Post by Snowglobe32 »

I will give you my opinion to each of your questions:

1. I have used ACT Total Care twice a day for the last 9 months and I have not had any problems. Your ortho can write a prescription for a mouthwash if you are interested.

2. Floss- you use 3 packets of floss each time? Are they small packets, my floss comes in 50 yards packs... I use Johnson and Johnson but when I was at the ortho this past week, a girl was getting her braces off and the ortho told her to use very thin floss. If you use thicker floss, it can create gaps and spaces. After hearing this, I will be switching to thin floss as soon as my supply runs out.

Have you thought about buying a waterpik? I wouldn't worry about spreading bacteria from tooth to tooth, your teeth are together all the time so the chance of spreading bacteria shouldn't be an issue if you brush with toothpaste right away and then use mouthwash.

3. This question is very debatable. I have always brushed at work after eating lunch, even before braces. My lunch hour starts at 11:30, I'd eat, sit around then go brush around 12:20. I stopped doing that after reading on this site that you should wait an hour of so. At that time I would go brush around 1:30-2:00.

This past week I had an adjustment and got my teeth cleaned. Prior to that, I had a bottom powerchain for 8 weeks, when they took the powerchain and my wires off before I went to get my teeth cleaned, it was ugly underneath. I had plaque buildup under the powerchain and on the brackets.

I have never had an issue with plaque in my life, but I find it ironic that after I switched to waiting at least an hour after eating (for atleast the last 8 weeks), I had issues with plaque. I have now gone back to brusing after eating and not waiting. And by brushing after eating, I mean within my lunch hour. I don't eat my last bite and immediately go brush. If I go to lunch at 11:30, I am usually done eating by 11:45-12, so I brush around 12:20. I do this after dinner also.

I think your concerns are personal choices, I wouldn't think, that just because you read something, you should do it. Find out what works best for you and of course, talk to your ortho about your concerns.

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#3 Post by UGHBRACES »

I just use the regular crest glide floss(not the threader type). I don't have any issues being able to thread it between the brackets.

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#4 Post by alimommy1 »

I don't recall my ortho ever telling me a specific brand of mouthwash was better than any other one, or any worse. When I had my braces I actually had a prescription fluoride rinse that I used that doubled as 'mouthwash' since it was mint. I only used it at night too.

As far as floss, my favorite is the glide - which is more like floss tape than thread. I like it because it is very very narrow, doesn't shred, and easily fits inbetween even teeth with no spaces. I have never heard of an issue with transferring bacteria, I even had some issues with perio problems for awhile and my perio never said anything about using extra floss. I use one length long enough to wind around my fingers and still manipulate it well.

I'm not sure how important it is to brush immediately or wait, I have chosen not to obsess about it. All I have learned from previous and current treatment is that all dentists and orthos look at things slightly different and may suggest different things to their patients. It is really up to you to decide which suggestions you are happy with and which ones to disregard, based on your personal preferences as well as the advice of your ortho.

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#5 Post by hal2me »

Hi Yoginbraces!

Here are my responses to your questions:

1. I use Listerine. Since I had a problem with bleeding, the dentist recommended this to me. I've been using it for years and have not had any more gum issues.

2. The Crest Glide is great because it does not shred and slides right through the teeth. It also comes in individual packages, which is nice too.

3. I brush and change my elastics out after every time I eat something. Since I eat constantly, I am brushing up to 6 times per day. I use an extra soft toothbrush for this.

Hope this helps!

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