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Uncertainties about Ortho...Or just Nerves?
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:20 am
by GeenBug
I’m getting my braces this Thursday and out of the blue, a part of me’s feeling unsure about the Orthodontist and that I should get more consultations. I’ve had 5 consultations in total: two in my current city and the rest in two other cities. The price for this Ortho’s $500 more than the other Ortho I went to in this city. The price isn't a problem, but of course you still have to compare and at the end of the day, it all depends on how you feel about the ortho. The other Ortho wanted a down payment of $600 so they could order the braces

, which was just funny to me. So I knew I wasn’t going to go with them. The other prices for the other Orthos were about the same, except for one which was about $7000 and I wasn’t sure about that Ortho as well. I had asked him about extractions, but he didn’t tell me that doing that would make my smile smaller, which wouldn’t look great on me…something the second Ortho in this city told me. And he also wanted a down payment of a thousand and something on the first day of getting the braces in, so he wasn't flexible with the payment plans at all. Ok, moving on to this Ortho I’ve decided to go to. Another reason one of the reasons I’m now having second thoughts is that my last visit to him was in December ‘09. We did the x-rays and everything then and I was all set to get the braces for January this year, but something came up and I decided not to then. I wanted to go in and talk to him the last time and re-ask a couple of questions since I haven't seen him in so long, but the secretary said it wasn't necessary since we already talked about everything in December and I can just come in and get the braces. He also never told me about getting my teeth cleaned before hand. Actually, none of the Orthos told me about getting my teeth cleaned for the braces. I found out on this site and I’m going to get them cleaned tomorrow morning. I think that’s something important that ever patient needs to know. You shouldn’t have to find out yourself. I don't know if your Orthos told you or if you found out on your own. And he talks a bit fast and explains things really fast, and they he’ll ask me of I’ve any questions. I don’t think I’m fully comfortable with him. Did anyone else have second thoughts about their Ortho before getting braces? One reason I'm a bit eager to do it now is because of my birthday next week. I don’t want to celebrate another birthday with these teeth

. But then again, if I’m unsure about the Ortho, it doesn’t make sense for me to go ahead, idk. I don’t know if it’s just nerves, or if I should get more consultations, although I already know what they’re all going to say. I already know I need to get them…not just because I look and feel better about myself, but because gaps in teeth can cause teeth problems lateron. And I know braces are the best option for me. Everyone was really nice at the office, and I felt comfortable there, except I didn’t feel fully comfy with the Ortho. These are his qualifications. “BSc, DDS, Cert. Ortho., MSc. Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics.” It’s a big Ortho office and there’re 4 Orthos there. They've a website and it's really detailed, along with profiles of all the Ortho there, so they are really professional. What do you guys think? Could it just be nerves and I should I go ahead or should I see more orthos and then make a final decision? Oh yea, I’m getting full metal and they’ll be put in on the same day. One of the other othos I've been to said the'll do the top first and then the second later, but this one says they can be done on the same day...idk.
Sorry I wrote so much. Anyone who actually reads this gets a price.

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:28 am
by LC'sTeefs
I read it all...what's my prize??

I think you might be a little nervous. Go for it! Get your braces on! In no time, you'll be wishing you had done it sooner!!
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:37 am
by onefastchick
I agree with LC I think its mostly nerves, the thing is you have no way of knowing whether the decision you have made is the correct one. You know you dont want to continue with your teeth the way they are so backing out again will only make you unhappy that you didnt get them. I cannot speak to the ability of the ortho you have chosen, you have had several consults, you have educated yourself... at some point you have to trust in your own judgement and go for it. Best of luck to you and congrats!!
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:49 am
by hal2me
I also agree with everyone, it is just your nerves. You went to 5 different orthos. Sounds like they provided you with enough information to make a well educated decision. Whenever we do something "big", we always seem to second guess ourselves.
You will be nervous, at first. However, once the braces are on you will be fine!
Best of luck to you!!
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:05 am
by peach
Hey geenbug! I'm going w/ the crowd here and saying it's a case of nerves. 5 consults is plenty. U mentioned about ur ortho not telling u to get ur teeth cleaning prior to braces...mine didn't tell me either. I just happened to go to a dentist to get my teeth cleaned and asked for some referrals since I wanted braces. After 5 consults, I'm sure u decided on this ortho for a reason. U also might of realized that the 5 orthos had some different ways of going about ur tx so getting completely braced or partially braced @ the next appt would depend on how ur ortho works. I don't know if this will help u feel any better but I was initially told I might have to just get the top braced and then the bottoms later. Then when I showed up for my appt the ortho said full braces. So I don't think ur ortho fully bracing u is odd.
Try to remember why u chose this ortho and figure out what's bothering u the most. If its something u feel will be a real issue for u w/ this ortho then go w/ another. Good luck!:)
I understand how you feel.
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:12 pm
by believer1964
I say go with your gut. If you are not 100 percent sure of that ortho, don't go to him/her. I had about 5 consultations. The first one I went to was very nice, professional, and appeared knowledgeable and did a good job explaining things. But I still wanted more consultations to see what was out there. So I got 4 more consultations, and even tho seemed professional, a few of them seem aloof. One consultation was sooooo pushy and trying to get me to sign on the dotted line. I dont like pushy at all.
I am going with the first person I went to. He has a good reputation and so nice and friendly.
I am nervous too, but I am going to go ahead with xrays, molds and real consultation. I want to improve my smile. I love to smile, and I smile anyway even tho my teeth are not that great, but I am self conscious of them.
So bottom line, go with your gut. If you have reservations about that ortho, get another opinion. It is very important you have a very good rapport with your ortho.
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:01 pm
by GeenBug
Thanks for the replies, everyone. Seriously, I wasn't expecting to get replies. Didn't think anyone would read it. LC'sTeefs, your price is....--Drums pls--...Dum Dum Dum....
Yea, that's it: A big THANK YOU.
I'm going to go ahead and do it. I do think it's nerves. I know this's a big decision and commitment. Something I've been wanting to do for so long and now that I'm finally about to, it's kinda scary, I guess. And me being the extra-cautious person I am, I want to make sure I'm in good hands, and I have thought more about it today, and think things'll go fine. Anways, before I keep rambling, I don't want this to turn into another paper. I'm going for the cleaning lateron today at my Dentist's. And then Thurday's the big day.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:57 am
by LC'sTeefs
You're going to be suprised at how easily and quickly those braces go on. I wish I would have thought of getting my teeth cleaned before I got mine on....great decision on your part there!!
If you get nervous on Thursday...just remember, there is a lot of support here to help you thru it.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:20 am
Its not necessary to run out and get a cleaning directly before braces are put on. The orthodontist cleans the surface of the tooth before he bonds the brackets on anyway..
You should already be getting regular cleanings twice a year. So if you are not due for one for lets say for example 4 more months, thats fine. They can clean your teeth with the braces on.
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:10 pm
by emilio
I had mine (Damon braces) put in Medellin, Colombia while living abroad. My ortho, though I didn't know him came highly recommended by my (then) girlfriend and her sister and to tell you the truth I am overly satisfied with the cost and the service.
Previous to that I had had a first-hand evaluation in California (lived there at the time) and The Netherlands. The 1st was too vague and the 2nd wanted me to go to orthognatic surgery RIGHT AWAY before doing anything and cost me a lot of money just for the initial exams. My ortho in Colombia was the 3rd opinion and while he also suggested orthognathic surgery later on I was comfortable with his expertise and advise. He also specializes in "smiles" so I get two in one for a good price.