Very Happy With Today's Adjustment!

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Very Happy With Today's Adjustment!

#1 Post by hal2me »

Just wanted to share my excitement with people who understand! No debrace date has been set yet, but I only have to wear those dreadful elastics for 12 hours a day now! Yahoo! The ortho was pleasantly surprised that I actually wore them the way I was told to.

Guess it pays off to be obsessive about wearing your elastics!

Thanks for reading! :lol:

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#2 Post by yoginbraces »

Good for you! I am still in the early stages of my treatment so don't yet have elastics. Strange as it may sound I can't wait to get them.

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#3 Post by alimommy1 »

I remember elastics and they very quickly started to feel BETTER ON than off. That's why I was able to eat with them in and sleep with them in, and talk with them in. I always laugh when someone is surprised that I did something I promised to, it's like what... 99% of people don't, even when they are paying 5K or more? You must be kidding me :)

On another note, when do you think your debrace date will be? Soon in a couple of months or just before the end of the year?

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#4 Post by hal2me »

My original estimate was November. Now, the ortho is saying by the end of the summer. End of August/early September perhaps. My next adjustment is August 4th, so I am hoping for a date then. Two of my teeth are stubborn and refuse to move. Keep your fingers crossed!

While I was there, the assistant was reading the riot act to a 14 year-old boy for not brushing his teeth. They had to schedule a gum graft for him. The mother kept saying, "He brushes once a day. That's enough!".

Seriously, why pay all the money for nice teeth if you don't do what you are supposed to? Darn kids! :lol:

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#5 Post by alimommy1 »

Argh, ONCE a day? As I've been reading braces stories here, I have seen some pretty complicated and long routines some people have for taking care of their teeth while braced. While I was NEVER that diligent, I'm sure I brushed like 4 or 5 times a day - because I like to eat. I cannot imagine not brushing after eating, do do do... walk back into office after lunch, give my coworkers a show of salad fixings and fettucine? NO THANKS!

I didn't have a waterpik, and I preferred the single use flossers and proxy brushes to actually winding floss, but I did use a fluoride rinse and mouthwash every night/morning.

I actually went to high school with a kid who didn't take care of his braces/teeth so he had them taken off - and I think they looked WORSE after a year of treatment and not being finished than they had before he got them put on. I have no clue why someone would do a thing like that. It takes like 5 minutes to brush and examine - and it hurts so bad if your gums get swollen and bleed, so I can't believe people let that happen on purpose....

I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! Stubborn teeth are literally a pain in the mouth :D I'd say I'll cross my teeth but that's a BAD idea - it's why most of us are here in the first place.

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#6 Post by CherylCee »

I have only had my braces on for a week but was told I will need a trans palatal arch and elestics. Just what point in the treatment should I expect the elastics? The ortho said to expect to have the braces for 26 months so are the elastics usually in the later part of treatment?

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#7 Post by hal2me »

Hi CherylCee,

Everyone's treatment is different. Some wear elastics in the beginning, while others wear them during the last stages of treatment. Honestly, I did not think I was going to have to wear them. Boy was I surprised! They are a pain to wear, but if you wear them as instructed, your treatment won't be extended.

Hope I answered your question!

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#8 Post by catgyrl »

Good for you hal2me!! I hope you're able to get those braces off in a few months.

I always like to read threads regarding elastics because I know mine are coming up shortly. He put one small band in the other week to start closing an extraction gap, and I can't feel it at all. I notice a teeny, tiny space between the left upper canine (where the band is) and the tooth next to it, so it must be working. He said something in passing about "Maybe in 4 weeks we'll start you on elastics!" Well, it turns out my 4-week timeframe fell on the day before I'm supposed to go to a concert, so I asked them "Can I make it 4 weeks and a few days, instead? I don't want to be miserable at the show!" She said, "Absolutely."

I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

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#9 Post by CherylCee »

When I went for my initial consult for the braces and was told I needed the elastics my stomach dropped. All I could picture was these elastics snapping my mouth shut everytime I tried to talk. Love this site because i now know I am not alone.

This trans palatal arch has me worried now. I work in a bank with customers all day and I worry about being able to speak clearly. As I stated on another thread I have brackets with hooks now and I am having so much trouble with them. They dig into my tongue and I talk with a lisp.

Ugh....I feel like I am turning into a constant complainer! lol

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#10 Post by I love my teeth »


I have a transpalital arch--got it in October, along with a nance (which is a little button on top, closer to the front of the mouth---the acual TPA is the retainer like wire that goes along the back part of the roof of your mouth.

I had the nance part removed 3 months later (Jan), but still have the tpa in. Honestly, it was horrible for the first week, talking and eating, but then I got used to it, and by the 3month mark he removed the nance part, I don't even notice the tpa any longer! So, I 've had it in a total of 8months, and after the first 1-2weeks I hardly knew it was there!

good luck!
Wore Braces for 2 years, 5 months, 3 days



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#11 Post by blindboarder2008 »

congratz hal2me!!!! before you know it you'll have a debrace date!!!!! I remember when I was told 12 hours a day I was so excited and relieved!!!!
Braced: March 19th 2008
Impacted wisdom teeth extraction surgery: June 20th 2008 1pm (13 hours of fasting)
Jaw surgery (upper and lower)Lefort 1 with Madable Advancement: June 2nd 2009 @8am!!!! 1 surgery down 2 surgeries to go!!
debrace day: jan 18th 2010!!!! *has 2 fixed retainers and an essix retainer for night time now!

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