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Braces week 2...when to call the ortho for wires poking out.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:27 am
by CherylCee
I am only on week 2 of my braces and I can feel wires poking into my cheek on both sides. I guess this is a good thing and means my teeth are shifting but it hurts.

My question is: should I call the ortho and have the wires snipped or should I just put some wax on and suck it up for a month until my first adjustment. I dont want to be a giant baby and call them everytime I feel a poke. I am assuming everytime my teeth shift a bit this will happen and I dont want them to look at their caller ID and say "oh no its HER again"

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:20 am
by hal2me
Hi CherylCee,

It is okay to call the ortho to clip the wires. That has to be the most uncomfortable feeling. The wax does not stay on there that well. If you are uncomfortable or in pain, give them a call. They expect that.

One time the wire got so bad, I cut it myself using my mom's decorative wire cutters!

Good luck!

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:07 am
by alimommy1
Call your ortho lol. I NEVER worried about being 'a big baby', if the wires were poking, I called.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:29 am
by TumbleDryLow
You're not being a baby. Orthodontists expect those kinds of calls and usually save space in their schedules to accommodate such "emergency" appointments. Suffer no longer; call them!

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:15 pm
by CherylCee
All right I'll do it!! lol

Is anyone else having the "dry mouth" problem? It seems like the more I talk the dryer my mouth gets and I have trouble talking. My lips get stuck on the braces. :(

I must say I really like my braces and I cant believe it took me so long to get them. Cant wait for the final outcome.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:47 pm
by Snowglobe32
CherylCee wrote:
Is anyone else having the "dry mouth" problem? .
I always have water with me and I found that sugar free Breathsavers help with the constant dry/wet mouth issue.