Is it too late to have my teeth moved forward?

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Is it too late to have my teeth moved forward?

#1 Post by ElenaMJ »

I had my braces put on in October of 2008, I was 40. I had 4 first bicuspids removed last August, about a year ago. The bottom spaces are now closed, but the top are not. I am not happy about the outcome so far. My chin sticks out more, and my lips are now droopy and not full as they once were. Is it possible to move my teeth forward on the top and bottom instead of pulling them into my head, even with the bottom gaps closed? Would this help my facial features to be closer to what they were before the teeth were pulled and the rest pushed back? Oh, also, my high cheekbones seem gone and I have looser skin that hangs around my mouth/smile. Its like I have aged 10 years in 2 years since the braces. Anyone else out there have this problem or can offer any advise before these braces come off?

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#2 Post by itsabouttime22 »

If you are not happy with how your treatment is going- I would definitely discuss it with your doctor. I am very early in my treatment, but I had two molars extracted from my bottom teeth in order to push them back and I also think I have a droopy look, especially around my smile just like you, I feel like I have no bone structure there anymore and I don't look as attractive because of it. I'm going to wait and see a little bit more into my treatment and see if this improves.

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#3 Post by yoginbraces »

Thanks for posting. This is a common question many people have asked here. Please let us know what your ortho's plan is to address your concerns. Good luck with everything.

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Re: Is it too late to have my teeth moved forward?

#4 Post by VA5 »

Your ortho is going to want to continue pushing your top teeth back so your tops and bottoms have a good bite. If they don't, your bottoms won't stay level.. they'll get that weird curvy, long look. Actually both top and bottoms will get longer.

If your ortho takes any powerchains out of your bottom, they should start to naturally drift forward, though. And then, I would imagine they could use tads in the front, to pull the back teeth forward to meet the anterior bottom teeth.

As for the top, if you want it to go all the way back, they could open up the spaces again with "reverse" powerchains (don't know the name) and then you could put implants in there to fill the gap. Or, you could do something similar with the bottoms and use tads to pull the back teeth forward. But honestly, I wouldn't go this route. You'll get a hollowed out look in your cheeks b/c there will be all this space in the back of your gums. So, I guess you could get implants to fill those spaces too.

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#5 Post by ElenaMJ »

Thanks to all for the replys so far. Forgot to mention that I already had my wisdom teeth removed years ago, so I am down to 24 teeth. Also forgot to mention that my tongue feels entrapped and I am biting the edges toward the front when I eat. Some of this must sound crazy, as my husband thinks most of it is "in my head". I have also noticed a smothering feeling when I sleep and have started having to sleep with my mouth open. I believe having the teeth pulled into my head has made my oral cavity smaller and has pushed my tongue back too, which could be making my airway smaller. Here is a piece of advice to those adults facing the decision to have teeth pulled. GET A SECOND AND THIRD OPINION!! I didn't because I trusted my Ortho. Once those teeth are gone, they are gone. I am wishing I never had braces to begin with, as my teeth weren't real bad anyway. My top teeth were somewhat crowded causing my incisors to be a little off, like vampire teeth, but not bad.

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