This is the place to post general questions and comments about all areas of orthodontic treatment. Before you post a question, use the forum's SEARCH tool to see if your question has already been answered!
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Hey all! I'm 19, got a pretty large overjet (9mm yikes!) and finally decided to do something about it! My two options are either surgery or extractions but I'm leaning more heavily towards extractions, really don't want to have surgery! I just wanted to hear from people who have gotten the extractions done to correct an overjet, what effect did it have on their facial features? I've heard it can cause the face to "dish in", just wondering what people who have gone down this route would say! Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
I don't know why, but I don't like the secondary molars. I think even, that they are just unnattractive. Call me nuts? I had mine removed, never thought a thing of it. One day I counted my teeth and realized I don't have as many molars as everyone else. Teeth go where they belong. Like rains that come and go where they are needed in the rain forest. There is a name for it and I forget what it's called. Something with a D. Omg. I think it is so cute. When I was younger I always looked older, and when I got my teeth taken out I looked a lot younger. People think I am 15-17 when I am 22 going on 23 soon.
if you have that large of an overjet, dishing is probably not going to be a real concern for you. it's only when you have no overjet at all and you get extracted that it could be problematic. i will not have dishing problems and i had extractions.. b/c i had protrusive teeth to begin with. some people get extractions and have no protrusion, just crowding.. i find that if there is a lot of crowding, extractions will not cause dishing either.. but minor crowding and no protrusion, you will get dishing. hope that makes sense.