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Am I wearing my elastics correctly?

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:52 pm
by pricklypear
I have an underbite and got elastics for my braces today. The orthodontist showed me how to put it on and take it off, but when I came home today I came upon information on how elastics are worn for different bites. For overbites, the information stated, the elastics are worn on the front for the upper jaw against back for the lower jaw to create pressure on the jaws to help the bite close and vice versa for the underbite. However in my case, my elastics are worn front for the upper jaw and rear for the lower jaw, creating pressure to widen my underbite. I'm wondering if this information I received is valid and if my elastics are worn correctly. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:54 pm
by fosterp
Wear them as instructed by your otho. If you are unsure of the directions, call their office to verify.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:00 am
by hal2me
Definitely wear them the way your otho instructed. If you don't, you will mess up your bite and perhaps be in braces even longer. If you don't remember, call the office for a refresher. I cannot stress the importance of wearing your elastics properly!