20 days to go and getting nervous....

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20 days to go and getting nervous....

#1 Post by hal2me »

Hi Fellow Metal/Ceramic Mouths!

My braces are scheduled to come off on the 23rd. I am having some real anxiety about them coming off. Is this normal? I am so scared that my teeth are going to bad stains on them, have those dreadful white spots, and that it is going to hurt. Also, I am paranoid that I won't like how my teeth will look.

Why am I being so crazy? At first, I could not wait for this day to get here. Now, I am so afraid.

Has anyone else gone through this? How did you cope?


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#2 Post by felicia »

I got debraced 1 week ago.
Taking the brackets off did not hurt. When they yanked the molar bands off was a little bit uncomfortable. Also, when the ortho used the electrical tool to take off the glue, my teeth got a little sensitive, especially the front lower ones.
If you had a good hygiene during treatment, there will be no spots on your teeth.
When they first sent me to rinse and I had the opportunity to look in the mirror I was a little bit scared to look, I was afraid I might not like them. But when I looked, I liked them, I did have a strange feeling...like...THESE ARE NOT MY TEETH, THAT'S NOT HOW I REMEMBER THEM. Also, they looked BIG, my ortho said "they're not big, they're just fine"
After I went home I felt strange for the rest of the day...like something's missing. I think that's a normal thing to feel...I had them for 14 months.
Hal2me don't be afraid, it's not a big deal.

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#3 Post by yoginbraces »

Change is good!!! Be proud of yourself and remember to smile every opportunity you get. You deserve it. :)

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#4 Post by evilnel »

I'm also getting de-braced on the 23rd, if all goes according to plan! I am nervous, but I have strep or the flu and can't breathe through my nose, so my brackets are really tearing up my mouth. If ever I needed a reminder for why I want these suckers off, this is it! I think it will be fine. It might be uncomfortable, but I think everything is going to turn out really well!

And I comfort myself by saying that getting the brackets off can't be as bad as getting the molar bands off! Those suckers were embedded into my gums!

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#5 Post by Lynette »

felicia wrote: Also, they looked BIG, my ortho said "they're not big, they're just fine"
The last time I got my braces off I was exactly the same. I thought my teeth looked HUGE without braces and I hated it lol. I got use to it after a while though.

23 year old female with ceramic braces.


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#6 Post by hal2me »

Thank you all for the replies! At least I know now to expect my teeth to look really big! :D It's funny how our braces become a part of us after a while.

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#7 Post by hal2me »

evilnel wrote:I'm also getting de-braced on the 23rd, if all goes according to plan!
Good luck evilnel! I'll be thinking of you as I sit in the chair. These suckers are do to come off at 7:45 AM.

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#8 Post by evilnel »

Mine are coming off a little later (again, if everything looks good, but I hope it does!) at about 2 pm. I'll keep you in mind. I think you'll be happy with the results!

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Re: 20 days to go and getting nervous....

#9 Post by RedDress »

hal2me wrote:Also, I am paranoid that I won't like how my teeth will look.

Why am I being so crazy? At first, I could not wait for this day to get here. Now, I am so afraid.

Has anyone else gone through this? How did you cope?

Do your teeth look good now? I mean before braces?! :?

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