My journey has begun

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My journey has begun

#1 Post by Emmauk »

Hi all

I had my upper arch braced today and am glad to be on the road to a beautiful smile.

The fitting itself wasn't too bad although it wasn't very nice when he dried them as my teeth have some really sensitive spots.

I have just been and had a brush up and it's quite uncomfortable because they are sooo sensitive.....

The braces feel really bulky and my lips struggle to get over the brackets - when i get my bottom arch braced i dont think my lips will meet atall, but i guess its all part and parcel and i need to put up with it.

I have just taken a picture on my phone but its not very good because the lights not very good in here, ill start off a braces story tomorrow.

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#2 Post by felicia »

Don't worry, your lips will meet. Your mouth will adjust to everything.
Good luck in your journey!

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#3 Post by smilelikeyoumeanit »

Good Luck! I'm getting my top teeth braced on Monday. The nerves are starting to hit.

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#4 Post by yoginbraces »

I've been wearing braces for almost 6 months and at first everything felt weird and the pain was so intense I literally thought I'd made the biggest mistake by getting them....but in time (about 2 weeks) the pain went away and even now when I go in for an adjustment and the pain returns it doesn't last a few days and I just don't feel it the same way as the first time.

For instance, I just had a major adjustment yesterday and the pain was agonizing and I thought I was in for a week of soft foods and smoothies but instead I woke up this morning and had a bowl of cheerios for bfast and pizza for lunch. Sure, it was uncomfortable to chew but I've learned to work around it (cutting everything up in bite sized pieces and chewing with my molars).

The days, weeks and months will go by and suddenly you'll forget you're even wearing them. And then suddenly you will glance at your smile in the mirror one day and notice the transformation and you'll be so excited.

Good luck to you!!!!

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#5 Post by ShySmile »

Emmauk- I had my lower ceramics fitted yesterday. My jaw is pretty messed up and really really hurts. I cant wait till 5pm i just want to go home!!!!!
At least we have both made the first step.
Have my upper lingula brackets on but no wire yet. Waiting to have my upper extractions next week. REALLY not looking forward to that, had a trip to NZ planned in late december, not to excited about having to holes in my mouth!

These ceramics feel HUGE. Goodluck to us!

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Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:00 am

#6 Post by Emmauk »

Thanks everyone.

Its quite sore today but in the grand scheme of things its ok, ive just given in and taken a pain killer.

I have been on this site for quite some time preparing for everything i have to come but even though i have read hundreads of posts it still feels really wierd to be my turn.

The brackets feel huge/bulky, i dont think my lips will meet once i have my bottom brace fitted, it feels like a humongous mouth guard (like boxers wear).

On a positive note the OD stressed to me just how amazing the results will be. I asked him about the shape of the roof of my mouth ( its a very very narrow v shape), i asked him about the fact that i am 32 and wondered what he might be able to achieve and he assured me it will be fantastic. I am really excited to have started this journey even though i know its not going to be easy and im not looking forward to the surgery.

Thats for your support


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#7 Post by poppy123 »

lol, i remember sayin the same, that i felt like i had a big rugby gum sheild in. as you teeth move you will be able to close your lips. my two sticky out teeth were a nightmare to begin with but by 5 weeks they had moved in and it felt fine. in two weeks time it wont feel anywhere near as huge as it feels now.

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