Bottom tooth hitting top tooth

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Bottom tooth hitting top tooth

#1 Post by mn86 »

I just got braces less than a week ago and my one bottom tooth is hitting the back point on my top tooth. It is uncomfortable and I'm worried if I hit it too hard it's going to make it loose. Is this normal or is there something they need to fix?

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#2 Post by Snowglobe32 »

Sounds normal to me. I have experienced this but it didn't last very long.

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#3 Post by mn86 »

I should have specified it's my bottom tooth right next to the first molar hitting the middle of my top molar towards the back point.

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#4 Post by yoginbraces »

It's normal. I've been in braces for 6 months and in the beginning when my bite started to shift my top teeth hit the bottoms in weird ways and it concerned me, not to mention was uncomfortable when I chewed. It may take some time but one day you won't notice it anymore and then other teeth will start hitting. Basically, your bite is shifting and your teeth will look and feel weird throughout the process.

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#5 Post by dezlorelle »

I chipped the front of a tooth this way. One of my bottom front teeth was hitting the back of my top tooth. It was pretty far into my treatment so at the time I was chomping away on every kind of food. Bad idea...I bit hard into a meatball sandwich and chipped the bottom tooth and bit the bracket loose. I called my ortho immediately and got it all straightened out. The ortho actually rounded off the chipped tooth because it stuck up and wasn't flush with the rest of the tooth after it was straightened. So the moral of this story is, be careful when you chew when you have teeth hitting. :)

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