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loose teeth??

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:58 pm
the one thing that kind of freaks me out is having read about teeth getting loose during the braces loose do they get, and i guess they get unloose eventually....tell me what to expect re's the one thing that is creeping me out..... :FeelSick:

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:08 pm
by musiclady2340
Been braced 10 months and have found varying loose teeth at any one time. As things shift a few get loose. They do settle back down. Just part of the process. Good luck. :P

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:51 pm
when the teeth get loose, can you eat regular food, or do you need to have a soft or liquid diet at that time?

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:06 pm
by Ellebraced

You are making me laugh. I am not going to lie, I find it super duper creepy. :GapToothed:

I have only had for 4 weeks so I don't know too much but my lower front teeth wiggle just a LITTLE bit. You know when a kid is about to loose a tooth and they can wiggle it. Well not to the point it's that loose but just enough to be weird and 32 with loose teeth that have always been hard as rock. I look it the mirror and I can wiggle it and it moves like 1-2mm

Ohhhh and I eat just fine, I don't like biting into too much with my front teeth. My uppers are really in place just feel like they have pressure.

A lot of times it just feels like a bit of tension and as if you have food stuck in it. Then it's fine the next day and then another tooth is weird or loose. You start seeing gaps and notice food gets stuck in different places and it's easier or harder to floss from one day to another.

THE WORST part..........I am OBSESSED with biting down on the loose teeth and it moves and I LIKE that feeling. SOOOOOOO GROSSSSSSSSS!!! But I can't stop wiggling them back and forth.

Don't worry it will be okay, it's kind of interesting in a weird creepy way!!


Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:19 am
by JennyLaughs
I second everything Elle says. Four days in and I noticed a gap between 2 teeth that had never been there before... it was so big floss went right through without touching either tooth! Now it's gone again. And my top two front teeth are super loose... but I know they're not going anywhere (if for no other reason than they're wired into my mouth now :lol: ). My guilty "I can't seem to stop doing this" pleasure is one of my crowns. It's moving around in the socket or something because when I bite down, I can feel it move up and when I let go, it settles down again. It doesn't hurt in the slightest bit and when I realized what exactly was happening, I FREAKED out... but I've gotten used to it now and like I said, it something I can't seem to stop doing, hee hee.

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:47 am
by jessicamay
Hey there,

I asked my ortho about my loose teeth...he said it's normal and they are likely to feel wobbly for a while, it's not until the roots set in your jaw that they will stop being wobbly.

Although it's worth asking at your next visit just to check :-)

Don't panic!!

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:28 am
by benj
Some of my front teeth went through a wobbly stage in the first year, that wasnt too bad - they have since stabilized, but the other night I noticed one of my large molars was wobbling where it was being pulled forward to close an extraction gap.
Yuck, I'll never forget that weird sensation - no pain, just a horrible, twisting penetrating feeling in the jaw. I try and see it as a positive, if the tooth really is loosening it up will probably mean the gap is closing faster....

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:08 am
by sammywantstraightteeth
I've had that loose teeth feeling. Its pretty freaky, and if it wasn't for tonnes of people online saying it was normal I would have really freaked out. They never felt so loose I thought any would actually fall out, but I did keep having dreams about them all falling out!

Its like being a kid again when your adult teeth are just starting to come through, before the teeth are actually wobbly but you can definitely feel some movement. Except on all of your teeth at once instead of just one!

Just another part of the fun :)

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:47 pm
thank g-d for all the reassurance that it's normal it would have been a major freakout.....and may still be....but at least i'll know it's 'normal' :-* :-*

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:30 am
by Gill
This is something I find really scarey. I've actually got a really crooked front tooth where there's been some gum/bone loss, so I'm extra worried about it getting loose. The orthodontist warned me about wobbly teeth, and also that there is some risk associated with moving that front tooth, but I reckoned it was also quite risky just to leave it - the way it was slanted and crossing behind the other front tooth, it was a mess.

Anyway, i've had my braces 4 weeks now & am starting to notice that loose teeth feeling. Nothing visible, but a few at the front have that odd feeling. I can't bite on them - but then I couldn't before braces because of how crooked they are. (I'm too embarrassed to post photos).

Anyway, on the plus side, there's already been significant movement (to me anyway) and my front teeth are much straighter. It's incredible. Before my worst tooth was so angled and set back that it sometimes fell into shadow. In a couple of photos i looked like I've got a tooth missing! But now it's moved forward and looks much better.

It's great to read other people's stories here and be reassured that what I'm going through is normal

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 3:08 am
by Sandpiper
Some days I feel like mine are flapping in the breeze, and the only thing stopping them falling out altogether is the archwire!! The others are right, though - you do through phases of everything seeming quite solid, and then next news things are loose and moving. It's never affected what I eat, though....just the care with which I eat. Good luck!

Re: loose teeth??

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:24 am
by bookfairy
Even after a year, mine are not as they were; they are not wobbly loose, just not strong; like I can't rip things apart with teeth (you know those cosmetics tester packages you get in magazines and stuff? And sometimes you can't open them with your fingers and you try it with your teeth? Can't do it.
I think it will take a long time once I'm out of braces for them to really "harden" themselves into place!