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My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:30 pm
by meeksfor3
I go next Tuesday to get my braces off. Yeah!!!! :jump:

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:18 pm
by badbite
Hey, we get our braces off on the same day! :)

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:21 pm
by meeksfor3
yay us

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:36 pm
by bp88
How exciting for the both of you! Be sure to post pics when they're off! :D

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:00 pm
by jambo532
Oh how I envy you.... Someday my day will come.

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:29 am
by CCandy
I'm soo jealous!! But I'll be screaming from the rooftops when mine are off :D

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:51 pm
by badbite
I got them of today, and I am so happy! I don't like my "gray" tooth, but I will get it fixed as soon as I can.
Photo on 2011-02-15 at 10.56 #3.jpg

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:08 am
by bp88
Beautiful! I bet you can't stop smiling! I keep telling my friends when I eventually get mine off (I've got a long way to go) I'm gonna be so vain, lol :D

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:15 am
by lilone
Looks great! Do they feel super smooth? Your teeth are the same size/shape as mine so I really liked seeing this since it will give me an indication of what my true goal is and why I am about to go through this. Thanks!

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:18 am
by lilone
P.S. Do you have a story or before pics?

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:38 am
by BraceFace2o1o
Wow your teeth look great! :D

From reading your first post it sounds like you've been through quite a journey - you've had 'SARPE, full braces, upper jaw advancement surgery'? but I bet it was worth it in the end!

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:18 am
by badbite
lilone, I am trying to post the before but I guess the file is too big. No sure how to do it. I can tell you they were really gross though, lol. They were extremely croweded, open bite, underbite, and crossbite.

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:20 am
by Ellebraced
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! :jump: :jump: :jump:

They look awesome and don't worry about that one tooth, you can get it fixed and it will be perfect.

What kind of retainers did you get??

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:03 pm
by badbite
Right now I have a temp (instant essix) on my top front teeth. TOmorrow I am getting both hawleys and essix retainers for top and bottom and also a bite splint. I guess since I ama special case he wants to be sure my teeth don't budge, lol. He may have said both for the top and an essix and splint fo rthe bottom. I am not sure. I told them I wanted hawley and to my surprise the assistant said he is getting me both. Anyway, thanks. I had a long road and I am very happy with the results. :D

Re: My debrace day is next week.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:56 pm
by sauerkraut
Well, you overtook me in the end, badbite :D . I've got another month until de-bracing. Congratulations on your super results. You must be so pleased :jump: