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'bump' on tooth?

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:52 pm
by Leyfy

I wonder if this is more of a 'tooth' question, than an orthodontic question, but I have noticed this since my lower right canine tooth has been rotated back to a normal position after years and years of being out of position.

Basically, on the back of that tooth there is a hard lump. It is definitely not plaque, and it sits right in the middle of the tooth. It is mildly annoying at times, but neither my dentist or orthodontist has mentioned it. Any ideas on what it is? Could it be where my teeth were out of alignment, the tooth has grown into a slightly abnormal shape?

Also, there used to be what I can only describe as a kind of thin tooth over the top of the lump (in a kind of V shape, with the lump in the middle of it? The tooth would be the right side of the V sticking outwards, and the think layer of tooth behind it would be the left side facing the other direction) , but that dropped off about a year ago. It has never caused any pain, I just wonder what on earth it is, and googling it has given me no ideas!!!

