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ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:47 am
by belenov
well its official. on the 25th of feb i get braced. im quite exited. anyhows on a light note, im trying to eat various foods that i will want to avoid. im eating lots of crusty breads and my biggest vice big chewy jellies. im just wondering what foods people miss the most. as i said this is a light note.

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:22 am
by anniegirl
Cream eggs!! I bit into one a couple of weeks ago, and it took off one of my brackets, so no more for me until braces come off!!

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:23 am
by TumbleDryLow
I didn't avoid any foods while braced.
My motto for 33 months? "If you can cut it, you can eat it."
If it's sticky and chewy--that's why they invented toothpaste, toothbrushes and floss.

No brackets broken off. No cavities. :D

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:38 am
by Ellebraced
Ohhhh I miss somethings but not as bad as I thought I would. I thought it was going to be torture but like a diet you just adjust.

I have not chewed gum in 2 months. Though not really a big deal because my breath is always fresh from brushing

I really really miss those cashew pumpkin square snacks from costco. They are a bit too hard.

I still eat cashews but not almonds.

I have not tried popcorn yet and I used to eat it EVERYDAY, so that it probably what I miss the most, I have become obsessed with cheerios instead.

I used to love cajun rice cracker nut mix but corn nuts are too hard so I found some amazing cheesys instead.

I loved snickers but found I can easily eat reeses peanut butter cups instead or other treats.

Enjoy a good big burger in public. I don't enjoy biting into things in public anymore, I had a sandwich one day and had a lot of brushing and picking in the bathroom mirror.

Good luck, the anxiety is the worst but the time does fly by.

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:46 am
by BraceFace2o1o
A nice crusty roll or baguette! and the only reason I am avoiding them, is because they are very chewy and my bite is so messed up I struggle to chew them properly. Also overly chewy food when my teeth feel tender doesn't feel so good either :shock:.

I also miss chewing gum to freshen breath after eating away from home (or somewhere where I can't quickly brush). I tried chewing gum twice so far but both times it got stuck to everything and I was picking it out for ages, so I have made do with mint flavoured Tic Tacs (but I would prefer chewing gum). I have heard there is a type of chewing gum that 'doesn't stick to dental work' but I am yet to find any of that here in the UK :roll:.

Other than that, I'm still able to eat pretty much everything I did before braces.

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:48 am
by drgnchsr36
So far.. the only foods I don't try to eat anymore are nuts, gummy bears, and carrots.

.. altho, I'm sure I'll try the gummy bears and carrots soon. At least before my bottom braces are on!

@Chrystal, there is gum here.. I think it's Freedent? I have some in the car, that I've chewed with no issues. It states it doesn't stick and so far, so good! Not sure if they sell it in the UK though.

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:17 pm
by GettingStraight
I went out for a nice steak as a "last meal" before braces. I'm now a month in, and I pretty much eat whatever I want, although I avoid the really hard crunch stuff like raw carrots. What I find most annoying is eating things like lettuce, grapes, and cooked vegetables with skins like tomatoes and peppers. I find this stuff really gets caught in my braces and requires an immediate and thorough cleaning afterwards.

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:56 pm
by tashay1985
if I didnt have ligatures that stain easily, I would love to eat doritos chips, spaghetti and curry chicken. Those are the only kinds of things that I wont eat right now only because they stain. Other than those staining foods I eat whatever I want as long as it isnt too hard. Its very easy to just cut things up, like steak into small pieces I do it all the time!

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:05 am
by bp88
I too have pretty much eaten anything I want. I haven't tried an apple yet solely for the fact that I'm too lazy to slice it all up! I didn't try gum for about 2 months until a friend said he was fine chewing gum while braced, I'm now addicted again! I also agree that you should chow down on a huge burger in public before getting braced.. oh the mess I make tearing all my food up when I eat out, just isn't worth it sometimes!

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:29 am
by BraceFace2o1o
drgnchsr36 wrote:@Chrystal, there is gum here.. I think it's Freedent? I have some in the car, that I've chewed with no issues. It states it doesn't stick and so far, so good! Not sure if they sell it in the UK though.
I haven't seen it in any of my local shops, but just did a Google search and it was apparently discontinued in the UK quite a few years back :(. Surely there must be another type of gum in the UK that doesn't stick to dental work! I'll have a scan on the net and see if I can find anything.

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:31 am
by Ellebraced
Oh I forgot (trying to block it out of my mind) I do miss one thing terribly......


Oh I loved them, I would have one everyday and they were my on the go snack food. If I was away from home and hungry I would have a granola bar in my purse and have that, now if I am hungry I go hungry and try to get home to eat.

I will be looking forward to having them again. I really really really really miss them :cry:

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:57 pm
by belenov
cool, im looking forward to brace day, and im now going to go out and eat a burger in public. no popcorn! what to eat in the cinema?
thanks all

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:10 am
by Ellebraced
Instead of popcorn, my new favorite snacks are CHEERIOS and ........Not sure if I should tell you this because they are HIGHLY HIGHLY addictive

Gaytan Cheese Puffs.....OMG they are GOOD ... ?pro_id=29

Like really really really good. If I go to a movie I will have to sneak these in.

BEWARE they are YUMMY!!!!

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:20 pm
by TumbleDryLow
belenov wrote:cool, im looking forward to brace day, and im now going to go out and eat a burger in public. no popcorn! what to eat in the cinema?
thanks all
I ate popcorn. Love popcorn. No way I was giving it up for 33 months. If you are careful, you can eat it.

Re: ten days till braces

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:52 pm
by drgnchsr36
TumbleDryLow wrote:
belenov wrote:cool, im looking forward to brace day, and im now going to go out and eat a burger in public. no popcorn! what to eat in the cinema?
thanks all
I ate popcorn. Love popcorn. No way I was giving it up for 33 months. If you are careful, you can eat it.
If you're careful, you can pretty much eat almost anything ;)

I had issues with popcorn even before braces.. I pretty much stick to Reese Peanut Butter Cups for the movies!