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Lump behind my front teeth after gap?!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:47 pm
by tashacash
Just wondering if anyone else has this problem...

I have this lump of skin that has been pushed back since my front gap has closed. I know that some have that skin pushed forward. I'm just finding it really difficult to tolerate. It's almost sore to touch too. Is it also my imagination that it's getting bigger... IDK. I don't know if I can wait til the end of my treatment to have it removed... if that's even what they do.

Can anyone tell me if they have the same thing?! Or how they deal with it.

Re: Lump behind my front teeth after gap?!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:52 pm
by GettingStraight
When my daughter had her braces put on, the orthodontist told us she would need a frenectomy at the end of her treatment to remove excess skin/gum between her 2 front teeth. I think this is done surgically sometimes but our ortho said it was just going to be a quick zap with a laser. We are still quite a ways away from this point, so I don't have any detailed experience to pass along.

Re: Lump behind my front teeth after gap?!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:22 pm
by JennRenee
The same happened when the gap between my two front teeth was closed. It got really sore behind the two front teeth and a bump started to form... and got bigger and hurt really bad. My ortho said it wasn't infected or anything, the gums were just adjusting to the closure. Warm Sea salt rinses twice a day and ibuprofen helped it A LOT and eventually it went away. Good luck. :)

Re: Lump behind my front teeth after gap?!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:40 pm
by Rashaehasbraces
I'm going through this right now. My braces come off in 5 weeks and I never really had any problems with this until I came back from my last appointment where my removal date was set. My ortho didn't say anything about it, then again it wasn't that huge. I know that my teeth are still moving cause I can feel the wire poking out. My question is do I need to bring this to my ortho attention or is there something I can do to help it? I brush it and floss like I'm supposed to but I'm bugging out!