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Sleeping position must change

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:34 pm
by JD33
Before I had my braces my orthodontist asked me what position I slept at night. Initially I thought it was an odd and irrelevant question. I told her mostly on my stomach. That's when she told me how sleeping positions can effect teeth alignment and that be sleeping on my stomach I was putting pressure on my jaw and teeth with the pillow.

Now I have to consciously check how I sleep at night for sleeping on my stomach is a "NO NO."

Has anyone else been advised of this as well?

Re: Sleeping position must change

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:29 am
by amandapanda
After I had jaw surgery, I asked my surgeon if it was okay to start sleeping back on my side (Before, I had to sleep on my back in an elevated position) He said that I can sleep in any way except I shouldn't sleep 'on top of my head' / whilst doing a head stand :-* But apart from that, I've never heard of anyone saying that sleeping a certain way will affect your jaw position... However, a quick Google search brings up lots of articles about how stomach sleeping can put pressure on a lot of your joints and can exacerbate jaw pain. Maybe it is true?

Re: Sleeping position must change

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:32 am
by jambo532
I have never heard that but it makes sense. I am a side sleeper. I wonder if this is changing thing. Weird. Thanks for the info I am going to ask my ortho next appointment.

Re: Sleeping position must change

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:22 pm
by JD33
Jambo keep us posted on what your ortho say :)