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Braces at 50

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:42 pm
by Gennie 50
Hello everyone. I have finally decided to introduce myself and try to post before and progress pictures. I got braces 3 weeks before my 50th birthday. I'm surprised with the progress. I've gone through most of the discomfort of being braced. Dry mouth, canker sores, elastics and most recently - power chains. Does anyone out there swallow your food whole? I do.

I'll do some more reading and try to figure out how to post pictures.

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:53 am
by loradora
He Gennie welcome to the forum and the world of braces. I'm 57 and a week away from getting my braces off. Good luck to you.

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:05 pm
by revontuli
Welcome Gennie, and congratulations, Loradora! I got braces at 55 so I hope I'll be saying the same thing you are when I'm 57: that I'm a week away from getting them off. I'm six months in now -- a ways to go but so far I'm thrilled with the progress!

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:38 pm
by MegP60+
Hi there, welcome to the forum. I was braced at 60, now 10 months in and pleased with the progress to date. I hear you about swallowing food whole, some days it is really difficult to chew food properly. Good thing our digestive systems are adaptable. Good luck in your braces journey and looking forward to your pics.

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:07 pm
by BracedGeek
I try to chew my food, but a lot gets swallowed whole these days.

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:18 pm
by threescompany
I hear you about swallowing food whole! I'm just at the point where I can chew a little bit. Not fun!

Congrats getting braced! Glad you are seeing good progress :)

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:49 am
by ellem
Hello everyone-- I am soooo excited there are others my age & older on here!! I've gone back & forth, trying to justify getting my teeth braced & imagining all sorts of rude comments & whatnot (mostly from family)... but decided just to go ahead... it wasn't easy, but I'm charging ahead^^

So inspiring to read your stories, makes me feel a bit less nervous...

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:44 am
by Gennie 50
Welcome...go ahead and start your braces journey. Hopefully you will not get any rude comments from anyone. I was also scared about rude comments, but they never came. Even my family is very supportive of my decision to get braced. Being a little nervous is O.K., but remember the end results will be worth it.

Keep your chin up and it will work out..........

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:46 pm
by serendipitymoon
Hi There,

Thank you for posting your experience. I'm 41, turning 42 in September and getting braces in three weeks. I'm really nervous and worried about dating with them on. I just went out with a guy and told him that I was going to get braces and I haven't heard from him since. I really appreciate knowing that there are other people out there that are getting braces at an older age. It makes me feel like I'm not so different.

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:16 pm
by musiclady2340
Congrats on moving forward. I swallow or chew however I can...Got braced at 56. Halfway done. So happy that I made the decision. It will be worth it... :tingrin:

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:42 pm
by Foxsong
I'm excited to meet folks my age here, too. I just got my braces a week ago, ten days after my 50th birthday. I already feel better about smiling in public because people are so encouraging and nice when they see I've gotten braces!

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:09 pm
by daveinbraces
I'm a noobie here. Braces just before my 50th birthday (that was back in January this year). So far everyone's reaction has been positive and now that my teeth are visibly straighter people are excited about it. Very very few derogatory remarks.

I'm surprised and a bit put back by how much a chore eating had become. I love to eat and cook a bit and that has taken a lot of patience. Not being able to eat what I want when I want has me realizing just how emotional my attachment to food is!

Flossing was ridiculous at first, but is slowly getting easier. I've found these GUM toothbrushes with very long soft bristles that are fantastic! Found them at Wahlgreens. Bought a bunch of them. I also have the shower head mounted WaterPik thing that I use once a day. That also helps keep things clean. I brush roughly 4x a day and always dry brush after every meal.

I have ceramic tops, metal bottoms. Using SureSmile. Ortho's estimate is 24 months. I will be at least until October "shuffling teeth" at which point they will fix my overbite and align my bite. I do see elastics in my future!

Overall I am surprised at the speed my teeth are moving and am excited at the progress.

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:52 pm
by loradora
Hi, it's great to see all you 50 somethings here and wish you all the best of luck. I'm enjoying life after braces, though I have to wear my lower Hawley retainer 24/7 for six months, then I'll wear them at home and while sleeping for the next six months, then probably just at night. I didn't have to get the upper teeth braced, but I have an upper retainer to wear one night a week. Glad I don't have to wear that during the about a speech impediment. :mrgreen:

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:03 pm
by leana
So glad to see posts from the older crowd. I'm 52 and got braces 3 months ago for overjet and overbite. I have to say it has been very difficult and stressful. Eating is hell. I've lost 10 pounds, which for someone who started at 115lb is not a good thing. Feeling very skeletal and worried that I'm just going to waste away. Anyone else dealing with unwanted weight loss?

Re: Braces at 50

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 6:02 am
by kennyandrew85

I would suggest looking at buying protein powder, combined with some light exercise you should put a bit of weight on and look more healthy. All you do is mix it with water and tastes like a strawberry drink.