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facial changes with braces and/or surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:13 pm
by Olive
Hi everyone! So, I'm due to get my braces on in under 2 days. I'm 26, and I have an overjet and open bite with minor crowding. I've had a few dentists recommend seeing an orthodontist over the years and I've been thinking abut it for a while. I have a sentence of 24-30 months in metal braces, and the orthodontist has also recommended surgery in about a year's time.

I'm freaked out by the idea of surgery (though I've not ruled it out, and will consult with the surgeon soon). Besides possible complications and health risks, what worries me most is potential facial changes. She's recommended both upper and lower jaw surgery- upper to reduce the vertical space, and lower for the lower jaw to be advanced (I have a somewhat long face, and somewhat weak chin- nothing extreme). I am used to the way I look and while I know there could be improvement, I'm worried about it going too far in the other direction- having a masculine-looking jaw or a too-short space between my nose and mouth, when I'm used to the opposite. I've looked at before and after photos and I confess I don't always think the "after" looks better! Ok, yes, in extreme cases it almost always does.

If I opt out of the surgery, I'll just get my teeth straightened with braces. The ortho think that this will help, but may not permanently close up my bite. Is there anyone who had similar issues to mine who just had braces, without surgery? Did you get a good result? Did that also change your facial appearance? I'm worried about my upper lip looking small, because my teeth won't be pushing it out. Or my nose looking bigger when my front teeth are pulled back.

To those who've had braces OR surgery, how did your face change? Are you happy with it? Is it what you expected?

Re: facial changes with braces and/or surgery

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:49 pm
by Dani73
Hi Olive - If you look at my post history, you will see some of the before and after photo's I have put up. Yes it will change your appearance, but it depends on the movement they do during your surgery. But pop over the the Orthognathic section as they have before/after pics.

JFTR - I am still trying to get used to my 'new' look and I had my surgery back Nov 11.

Re: facial changes with braces and/or surgery

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:33 am
by Olive
Hi Dani, thanks for your reply. Your results look great! I have looked at a lot of before and afters, both here and on people's blogs, surgeon's sites, etc. I think I do have similar issues to the ones you had, but less pronounced, which makes me wonder if surgery is too extreme. I'm scared of regretting it and missing my old (flawed, yes) face.

For now I'm going to get the braces on, see how that goes, and see how I feel about surgery in half a year, when I start to see some real movement in my teeth. I wonder, is it common for people to wait like that to decide about surgery?

What makes it even more confusing is that a lot of people at work have been telling me that they don't even think I need braces! I know they are not professionals, but it makes me question how I've been seeing myself all these years.

Re: facial changes with braces and/or surgery

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:51 am
by marc23
Will even using braces influence facial changes? Or is a surgery always necessary?