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Face profile

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:07 am
by marc23

unfortunately I never got braces during my youth - however, nowadays I'm somehow unhappy with my face profile. I wanted to ask, whether you think it's possible that braces can improve the face profile or whether only surgeries will lead to changes?

I cannot really tell you, what I don't like - maybe it would be better if you told me what seems "strange" to me (yet, I somehow feel the chin to be too big and the upper jaw to be to "thin" or to be too much back).

Thank you very much!


Re: Face profile

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:36 am
by lilone
I personally think you have a lovely profile. I don't know about your bite though, obviously, as it doesn't show. Do your bottom teeth come out a little further than your top or do they want to do that naturally when you aren't forcing a proper bite? If so, I'm quite sure there are options open to you. It doesn't seem obvious to me from your profile but you do have a strong jaw. It's not overly's more a Neil Patrick Harris jaw rather than a Jay Leno jaw, IMO. If you aren't happy, it can't hurt to have a consultation and see what they say.

Re: Face profile

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:21 am
by SlimZippy
It looks ok to me but I see what you are pointing at. Braces widened my arches and gave my profile and lip area a bit of a lift so if the same applied to your case it might help?

Re: Face profile

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:19 pm
What is your teeth and bite like?

Re: Face profile

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:57 pm
by marc23

thanks for your answers so far. Unfortunately I've some problems with my camera, so I cannot show a picture of my teeth right now. However, I can try to explain: In the front, one of my upper teeth is going directly on the lower teeth (it's a bit damaged) and one other upper teeth is going behind the lower one. The other front teeth are okay, however I seem to have only very little overjet, meaning, most upper teeth are in front of bottom teeth, but are somehow touching them too directly, if you understand what I mean?
Second, my velum somehow seems to be too narrow, at least when smiling you do not see many teeth; on one side in the back there seems to be a cross bite of I'd say 2 or 3 molars ... though I'm not an expert, I'd say the upper jaw is too narror and too small, or at least the arche could be wider .

Re: Face profile

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:59 pm
by marc23

here are again some pictures (normal profile picture; and two pictures with teeth put straight together)

Maybe you can guess in how war braces would help to get a more aesthetic profile...(or whether I'd need a surgery) ... ch_id=6061 ... ch_id=6064 ... ch_id=6062

Re: Face profile

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:07 am
by marc23
No ideas?